Alex  Goff's Memorial

Alex Goff
(1982 - 2000)


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It can be a very hard for a person dealing with loss. You can leave a touching message for the creator of this memorial.

General Details

Name: Alex Goff
Gender: Male
Age: 18 years old
Lived: Monday, 22 March 1982 - Sunday, 16 July 2000

My Story

Alexloved is a website dedicated to my son Alex Goff.
Alex never met a person He didn't like. He loved Nature and animals and was fond of many reptiles and aquatic wildlife.He had pet snakes and Iguanas and turtles. He loved to hike in the woods and is survived by his daughter Destinee..

 The ALEXLOVED website was accidentally removed  so we relocate here for all family and friends to leave their love and letters.... TO BE CONTINUED...

Latest Tributes

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Stone Memorial Tribute
From: Selliott
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Hey Alex: Hey and I are going to put in for a transfer to Portland. It will be a big change in a lot of ways. But i ...
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: Selliott
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Alex. The last 2 dreams were very real and very focused. I know your heart is broken, you made it very clear how you...
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: joybaby100
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Hi, I am miss joy by name,Is my pleasure to contact you after going through your profile at which re...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: Selliott
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:). I found all the video tape of you and just had it transferred to DVD. Most of it is our trip to Scotland and Egyp...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: AmieF
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Tuesday, July 17th 2012 I want you to know that I am thinking about you. I had a wonderful conversation about you...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: Selliott
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We are going to have a remembrance this Sunday up in the Jemez for you. Your whole family will be there. Even your da...
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: Selliott
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Well, Alex. I've got some decisions to make.... Cordy left you quite a nice inheritance about a year or so ago. Thin...
Heart Memorial Tribute
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Today is a special day I can never forget.I held you in my arms this day as a baby..You were born today..Happy Birthd...
Flower Memorial Tribute
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We all miss you here in Tucson. We remember how you could catch 10 Gecko lizards in one day, something I can't do eve...
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: Selliott
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I am adding a picture of some frogs. One from a pond I put in the backyard. They are so big. The other, I travelled ...
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: Selliott
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What to say. Well, there is nothing positive to say, so I will say nothing. You would be so sad and disappointed. Lov...
Candle Memorial Tribute
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This new website will be the place everyone can leave a message for Alex. Love Dad


Fathers Name: Robert
Mothers Name: Sandra
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Albuquerque
Occupation: Other
Marital Status: Single
Religion: Atheist


Favourite Sport: Swimming
Favourite Music Genre: Rap and Hip-Hop
Favourite Artist: BoneThugs in Harmony
Other Interests:
Outdoors recreation /Bike riding, camping, caves, hiking. travel


Place of Passing: Los Alamos NM.
Date of Passing: 16 July 2000
Type of Funeral: Spiritual service
Place of Burial: Albuquerque NM.
Our Wishing Well

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2,591 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: SLYDER on 1 March 2012    |     Back to Top

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