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Register with imorial to create an online memorial for a loved one that has passed away, in honour to preserve their memory online forever.

YOUR Membership Details (All fields Required)

Please note that by registering with Imorial you also receive free membership to Imorial Pets. Imorial and Imorial Pets is brought together in one unique integrated system that gives you the added benefit of being able to create memorials for your pet and connect them to your memorials for your family and friends if you desire. This way, your pets can be presented as part of your family and everyone can share the memories in one place.

Why Join?

  • Create your own memorial website
  • Simple to use
  • Share photos, videos, memories
  • Unique memorial address
  • Template or custom designs
  • Find, join and create groups
  • Add friends and family to memorials
  • Communicate with family and friends

It’s Free!

The best things in life are free and imorial is 100% FREE. In general Imorial is in part funded by advertising and you will never have to pay or receive a bill for using this service. We offer an ad free premium upgrade for those that wish to have extended features. We also welcome your feedback and of course would encourage you to share our site with people who may benefit from it.


no spyware

Imorial will never sell your information or partake in activities involved with spyware.

Our Wishing Well