Aleah Danielle  C. Ortega's Memorial

Aleah Danielle C. Ortega
(2006 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: Miss Aleah Danielle C. Ortega
Nick Name: Iya
Gender: Female
Age: 1 years old
Lived: Thursday, 6 July 2006 - Monday, 4 February 2008

My Story

Aleah was a wonderful gift to us from God. She's our angel here on earth and now an angel in heaven, watching over us.

She was born perfectly normal but when she was about 3 months old, we found out that she has a very serious congenital heart condition called Tricuspid Atresia and Pulmonary Atresia with Atrial Septal Defect.

We were all very sad when we found out about this as doctors said it's a life threatening condition and the prognosis was really bad as mortality rate is quite high.  Iya as we call her was a very lively baby . She had gone through a  lot of 'incredibly hard' hospital tests and operation... she tried to fight but it came to a point that she can't anymore...

At the hospital, We were so thankful and relieved when his two doctors finished the operation and said that it was 'so far so good' ...but sadly after a couple of minutes in the Recovery she had a cardiac arrest, at that time we didn't know what was going on as we were just peeking through the window of the room, and we all thought they were just checking on her and organizing all the medical equipments around her, until we were called by another Doctor... She said that Iya was having a cardiac arrest and they were trying their best to bring her back... I remember feeling so nervous and how shock I was when I saw the doctor on her side trying to revive her. They never had a choice but to open her up again to massage her heart and they inserted a pacemaker so she won't have arrhythmia.

I know Aleah was still fighting then because she knows I'm not ready to lose her.

After this the Doctor came out and gave us an update again...her condition went from 'so far so good' to really bad as the cardiac arrest lasted about 15 minutes which was really not good for the brain. The lack of oxygen in the brain caused her a lot of complication later on and she had another 3 cardiac arrest after that and her other organs started to fail her as well.

After her fourth arrest the doctors told us that my baby's chances to live were very, very slim and if she survives there is a strong chance that she won't be the same Iya that we know who was very cheerful and happy. She was in too much pain and she was really tired of what she had undergone... and she was just a tiny little girl.

My cousin who was also Iya's Pedia, advised us as parents that although it's very heartbreaking, we must not only think about our fear to lose her, but to think also of Iya's (quality of) life. That's when we made the most painful decision... we finally agreed for a DNR to limit the time to resuscitate her.

I knew then that we need to accept God's will and make the most devastating decision to let her go...

We told our baby how much we love her and how we will miss her. I remember whispering to her that it's ok kung hindi na nya talaga kaya, I told her I'm sorry I know how tired she was and that she can now rest. I told her she will be in heaven with Jesus and the other angels and I will see her again soon when it's my time. I thank her for coming to my life and making me so happy...

We were at the recovery room that time and our families were in the waiting area. It was 10PM then and they had to leave, so we said to Iya that we'll just go outside to say goodbye to them. When we went back to the recovery room about 11PM, I told her dito na kme ni papa...and after just a few minutes Iya had her fifth arrest, this time the doctors resuscitated her in a limited time (as according to the DNR that we signed) and then I saw the flat line and heard the chilling flatline sound of her heart monitor and she was gone........ The nurse told us that our baby waited for us to come back... My hubby and I just embraced each other, it was hard to accept that she's gone but we know her pain is over and she can finally rest....

Aleah didn't let go until we were ready to say goodbye to her. It's going to take a "lifetime" to cope with the pain... I guess this pain will never really go away and we just have to deal with day by day...

We just find comfort in giving Aleah that fighting chance to live and that we have done everything we could for our beloved baby.

We will always remember Aleah's bubbly and cheerful face. The smile that can easily come even to a stranger. Her cute and excited dance moves when she was watching her favorite shows (Wowowee) or commercials (Colgate). We will remember how adorable she is when she sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars and how at night, we would play under our blankets and she would kiss me and Dave for several times without reason.... which now makes me think that it was her own way of telling us how happy she is that we're playing and how much she loves us.

There are a lot of things that we will miss about her but we know that someday we will all be together again. I know God and all the angels will be there to love her as much as we do.

We love our sweet baby girl very much and we thank her for bringing so much happiness in our lives even for a short period of time... We will forever treasure all the memories we have with her.

I am so proud of her, she was a very strong little girl. I will love and carry her in my heart always....

~If love could have saved would have lived forever~


To watch my baby's videos, please visit < >

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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: kitzzy
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In remembrance of Aleah, i'm offering a prayer for her.. Let this candle of light bring her peace in the afterlife. ...
Candle Memorial Tribute
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More than anything I pray for your forgiveness and I pray that you're in peace and happy....I will carry you in my he...
Flower Memorial Tribute
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Here's a flower for you my baby... it's been 4 years now since you passed. I know you're in a much better place but I...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: mitraheaven
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God Bless This Angel
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: BrandiCandy
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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: tezzaed
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Someone remembers, someone cares; Your name is whispered in someone’s prayers. Thinking of you always!
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: AlishasNana
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Good night sweet Angel,you are missed beyond words and loved more then all the stars in the sky,sweet dreams XX
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: AlishasNana
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XX Good morning Angel,Loved with a love beyond all telling,Missed with a grief beyond all tears,To the world you were...
Heart Memorial Tribute
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I love you so much my baby... I pray that you're in peace and very happy there in heaven. I miss you so much...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: hannahsmum
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I am very sorry for your loss. Lets hope that all our babies are playing in heaven together.
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: shortydlyte
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Sorry for your lost may you find comfort in the Lord and know that your angel is watching over you everyday RIP littl...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: lovemylivvy
View Memorial's Tribute I light this candle And fill it with love And send it to you In heaven above


Fathers Name: Dave A. Ortega
Mothers Name: Jhermie C. Ortega
Country of Birth: Philippines
Country of Residence: Philippines


Favourite Artist: dora, backyardigans


Place of Passing: Philippine Heart Center
Date of Passing: 4 February 2008
Our Wishing Well

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5,004 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: JhermieOrtega on 2 April 2008    |     Back to Top

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