Missing you on Mothers Day and everyday Mum. Time flies by but the heartache remains . <3 Loved and Remembered always , Carrina & Family xxxxx
3 years tomorrow since you passed on Mum. Still miss you as much as ever . Always in our thoughts and forever in our hearts .
Love always , Carrina & Family xxxxx
Thinking of you on your birthday Mum. Love and missed always . Carrina and Family xxx
Another Mothers Day without you Mum. Missed so very much :( Love you , Carrina xxx
Missing you at Christmastime Mum, our 2nd Christmas without you. Loved and Remembered always . Carrina and Family xxxxx
Its 2 years today since we lost you Mum, but it doesn't seem that long ago . You are loved and missed so very much by all of us Mum.
Loved and Remembered Always and tucked away in our hearts <3
Carrina & Family xxxxxxx
From: carrina
Song Name: Please dont go
Artist: kc and the sunshine band
Thinking of you on your Birthday and always Mum.
Loved and Missed so much
Carrina and Family xxx