Archie  Godwin's Memorial

Archie Godwin
(1919 - 2013)


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General Details

Name: Mr Archie Godwin
Gender: Male
Age: 94 years old
Lived: Saturday, 3 May 1919 - Tuesday, 7 May 2013

My Story

My Grandpa Archie Godwin was in the Normandy Beach and He also loved his wife Caroline Godwin and he was with her up until she passed away at the nursing home on November 10, 2010.  He had six children and there spouses names are Jack and Carolyn Godwin, James and Donna Godwin, Eddie Godwin, Janice and Tony Adkins, Mary and Jon LaVendar, Sarah and Dennis Cox.    He had 12 grandchildren along with there spouses, Kimberly and Michael Doyle, Melinda and John Black, Kristy and Daniel Morley, Christina, Jason and Melissa Cox, Debbie and her husband, Tommy, Shaun LaVendar, Eddie Jr, Misty Godwin, Jimmy Jr, and his sister and then he numerous great grandchildren.   His oldest Son Jack Godwin was in the United States Army and then he worked at Bratton Corporation up until he passed away in August 1, 2004.    My Grandpa Godwin loved flowers and he would always go out in his yard and water his flowers then I think he even had a garden.  My Grandpa Godwin had just turned 94 yrs when he passed away at his house where he lived with my Grandma Godwin and my Aunt Janice and Uncle Tony.


You will be remembered my your kids, grandkids, and great grandkids.   You surely are missed my your family who will always remember the good times that we had with you.    We will always love and miss you Grandpa Godwin

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Heart Memorial Tribute
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I love you Grandpa Godwin
Candle Memorial Tribute
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I will always love and miss you Grandpa Godwin, you will be remembered alot from your family


Spouse's Name: Caroline Godwin
Children's Names: Jack Godwin, Eddie Godwin, Jimmy Godwin, Sarah Cox, Mary LaVendar, Janice Adkins
Siblings Names: Joe Godwin
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Midland, Va
Occupation: Other
Marital Status: Married
Religion: Born Again Christian



Place of Passing: At His Home
Date of Passing: 7 May 2013
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1,260 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: melindamblack on 24 May 2013    |     Back to Top

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