Aubrey Rose  Renny's Memorial

Aubrey Rose Renny
(2008 - 2012)


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General Details

Name: Aubrey Rose Renny
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years old
Lived: Tuesday, 4 November 2008 - Monday, 26 March 2012

My Story

Aubrey Rose was born on 4 November 2008. She was a healthy 8 lb's and 20 inches tall. Shortly after her birth she was diagnosed with Ohtahara Syndrome which is an early onset, extremely debilitating progressive epileptic encephalopathy characterized by tonic spasms, partial seizures and burst activity on electroencephalography (EEG). Aubrey Rose was on medications to control her seizures and was in and out of the hospital frequently. She required round the clock medical care. Despite all of her seizures she still managed to smile often. Everyone loved her smile....we shall never forget her smile. For everyday she spent here on earth was a special gift to us from above, we knew her time here on earth as a visiting Angel was limited and so we cherished her for the time we had. Aubrey Rose was so perfect and so beautiful. She was a strong fighter and every single day was a fight for her. Many people loved and cared for her so they did everything they could to keep her as healthy and comfortable as possible. God called precious Aubrey Rose to Heaven on the night of Monday March 26, 2012 at 7:30 PM while in her mothers arms, she passed away. She was in a hospital room surrounded with many family and  friends whom loved her very much. She left this earthly, mortal world quickly, quietly and peacefully. She will be forever in our hearts since she had a special way of touching us all during her short journey here. Aubrey Rose passed away on Global Day Of Epilepsy Awareness. Rest in peace sweet Angel Aubrey Rose. You will never be forgotten and you will always be loved and missed. She has gone to Heaven and along with her she has stolen many of our hearts.

                                             Angel Aubrey Rose, 11/04/2008 - 03/26/2012   

                          ~ Support Angel Aubrey Rose by Supporting Ohtahara Syndome.~

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Comment Memorial Tribute
From: osmommy
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Sweet Aubrey Rose, you are so missed. I wanted to wish you a happy heavenly birthday. I hope all of the OS kids get t...
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: osmommy
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Sweet Aubrey Rose, you are so missed. I wanted to wish you a happy heavenly birthday. I hope all of the OS kids get t...
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: osmommy
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Sweet Aubrey Rose, you are so missed. I wanted to wish you a happy heavenly birthday. I hope all of the OS kids get t...
Heart Memorial Tribute
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Dear Aubrey Rose, This day marks 3 years since you left to Heaven, it seems like it was just yesterday I held you in...
Heart Memorial Tribute
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Dear Aubrey Rose, I miss you very much. Always thinking of you my beautiful princess. Love always <3 Mama
Heart Memorial Tribute
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Dear Aubrey Rose, I can't believe its been a year already that you flu away and became a little angel in Heaven. Hap...
Heart Memorial Tribute
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Dear Aubrey Rose, You would have been 4 years old today. Mama is thinking of you. You will forever be in my heart. I...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: osmommy
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Thinking of you Aubrey Rose, not one day goes by that we don't. We want to wish you a Happy 4th Birthday in heaven. ...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: Terrilea
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Memory Memorial Tribute
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Dear Aubrey Rose, I miss you so very much. I miss picking out your pretty clothes everyday and combing your hair. I...
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: Doubler
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Theres not a day that goes by that I dont think about you, I tell myself your up there looking over me and your cousi...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: LindaRivera
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Thinking of you sweet Angel xoxo


Fathers Name: Robert Louis Renny
Mothers Name: Vanessa Rae Renny
Siblings Names: Tyler Robert & Sarah Rae
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: New Jersey
Religion: Catholic


Favourite Charity: Childrens-Specialized


Place of Passing: St. Barnabas Hospital Livingston, NJ
Date of Passing: 26 March 2012
Cause of Passing: Ohtahara Syndrome
Funeral Location: Holy Family Catholic Church
Funeral Date: 28 March 2012

Music - Hope for tomorrow

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5,586 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: VanessaRaeRenny on 14 April 2012    |     Back to Top