Bailey  Braithwaite's Memorial

Bailey Braithwaite
(2007 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: Mr Bailey Braithwaite
Gender: Male
Lived: Tuesday, 26 June 2007 - Thursday, 5 June 2008

My Story


Bailey completed our Family when he was Born after a difficult pregnancy at 34 weeks, weighing 5lb's He spent his first few weeks in the Neonatal Unit due to his prematurity and after a difficult start he came home to us after 19 days.. Bailey was a good baby, He started sucking his thumb at 3 Months which was soo cute, I didnt want him to have a dummy like his brothers because they was hard to get off them and Bailey was breast fed so I didnt want him confused between the breast and Dummy Baileys Problems started when he turned 15 weeks, He has an apnea attack in his sleep.. I will remember that day forever, My son was Blue.. After a few Minutes tickling his feet, rubbing his chest to stimulate him, He took a gasp.. I was on the phone to the ambulance at the time and I could hardly speak, There was only me and the kids in the house.. The ambulance arrived and wisked us to the hospital where Bailey underwent an X-Ray, he was stabalised with oxygen.. After a few days all his results were back.. Bailey had bronchil Pnemonia, The docters showed me his X-Rays compared to a healthy babys, and there words were, A child having lungs like this, needs to be on a ventalator.. But Bailey was proving them wrong, He only needed to stay in a oxygen chair, He stayed in hospital for 12 days This was the start of our battle with Bailey.. Whilst he was growing up, Learning to smile, Eat food, He endured numerous hospital visits and docters vists.. Bailey continued to have a problem with his breathing, It sounded like he was a train some times.. Throughout his problems though he thrived, Became a handsome young Child.. Bailey charmed most people who got to know him.. He learnt to sit up at 6 Months, He started crawling at 10 Months.. Fashionably late by means as his brothers was crawling at 8 and 9 Months, But he had a crawl that made everyone laugh, we called it the commando crawl, Bless him.. Just 2 weeks before he fell poorly he started to crawl properly and then there was no Stopping him 30th May 2008, Bailey had yet another attack, just like before he was asleep.. I checked on him and he was blue/Grey, so we whisked him up, as soon as we got there he had perked up and with a little help of oxygen in the accident and emergency department he was back to smiling and laughing.. Because of the frequency this was happening, Back in April 2008 it was decided Bailey would undergo further testings, Sleep Monitering, Possibly a camera down his throat whilst asleep to see if his airways was closing, Oxygen Monitering whilst asleep.. Yet come 30th May non of that had been done still.. So they decided to keep him in for observation and do the Oxygen Monitering.. It was plain and simple, a probe attached to his toe whilst asleep and this would read out what his oxygen was like.. On 2 occasions though his oxygen dipped to under 90% one being just 79%, anything under 92% requires oxygen I was told.. Yet I was fobbed off, They told me ailey was in a deep sleep.. This is what kept happening at home, and it was proven on his reading, They chose to do nothing about it.. The moniter was kept on for 24 hours then, On the evening of 31st May, Bailey was disharged WITHOUT an examination from the docter on duty.. He was still rattling through his breathing but again, just give him his inghalers/Nebulisers he will be fine .............

Except he wasnt and just 2 hours after being dishcharged, Bailey had another apnea attack This part I will always be guilty off.. Just 45 Minutes earlier Bailey had come off his apnea moniter at home, He had rolled onto his front and was asleep, so I turned the Moniter off.. and walked away.. Instead of letting Bailey sleep, I got him out of his cot, Put on his coat.. He was Extremely white in colour, I thought he was off colour and to this day it will haunt me forever, We took a walk to the shop and it was then I realised the full horror that I should have seen before.. My son was not breathing.. I ran to the shops whilst on the phone to the ambulance.. The staff in there was great, they started cpr on Bailey, within Minutes the Ambulance was there.. Ok I admit I wasnt in a mess because I had seen this time and time before, Bailey always came through it, I knew he would be ok.. Except he wasnt, The ambulance called the Control, and said 11 Month old baby in Cardiac Arrest.. Thats when I broke down, It felt like they wasnt helping my baby, he was just sat there slowly getting his things out the bag, I do remember shouting "well arnt you going to help him then" The Other ambulance arrived and took a slow drive to the hospital again I was angry they wasnt getting there sooner, My son was in trouble and all they could do was drive at 20 Miles an hour Arriving at hospital to be met with a team waiting for Bailey, to be taken to the relative room, I knew it was bad.. I wanted to be with my son, They let me, thats when Mark came in, Baileys daddy.. Seeing him hurt even more because I had done this, it was my fault our son was fighting for his life.. My fault for just turning his moniter off and walking away.. I'll never ever forgive myself for that and one day I hope and pray I'll be punished for it.. How can A Mother do that Bailey was in cardiac arrest for nearly an hour, they fought and fought, they wouldnt give up.. I Then heard they got his heart beat bck but he was seriously poorly and needed to be transfered to another hospital that can care for sick Children, He was transfered to Leicestor CICU Where he carried on fighting for 5 days.. In that 5 days We had some hope, His colour was coming bck, he started to wee and Pooh, they even tried him on Some milk through his ng tube.. After 3 days in that hospital, came the news No parents should get.. " Im sorry " Theres nothing else we can do" We got to look at Baileys brain scan results and the damage from being starved without oxygen was just too much, Our little boy was never coming back... On the wednesday 3rd they advised us it would be in Baileys best Intrest to turn his support off and they would look at taking him off on the friday after they had done some more Investigations, More scans and X rays etc.. We couldnt belive what they was saying, On the friday it was our other sons Birthday, If Bailey was going to die, it couldnt be on his birthday.. So we called my parents to get them to come up to be with us, and asked the docters if Bailey showed more signs of giving up, then we would turn the support off the Thursday.. Late that Night though Bailey got even worse, His blood preasure dropped to a point he didnt have one, I didnt think he would last the night.. But to our amazement he wasnt ready and stayed with us right through to Thursday.. My parents arrived quite early and we spent the day together, Talking praying I guess that when we went bck to the ward we would have better news.. At 10am, Bailey was taken down for one last CT Scan on his chest, The results came bck at 1pm. We was pulled aside and asked if Bailey had ever had bronchilities, Yes we said when he was 3 Months old, They told us Bailey had Bronchilities Libiterate, but only traces of it, and they couldnt be sure if it was nough to cause him to stop breathing in the first place as they had only seen 5 case's of it including Bailey. At 3.30pm Bailey had his 1st Brain scan.. He failed.. He had to have 2 tests done before they could declare him brain dead.. So an hour later he had another.. I watched this time, willing when they took him off life support, To breath, I held my own breath in the hospe he would just take one small one to show us he wasnt giving up.. But he didnt, They did further bits that completes the test then we all had a talk.. I remember my dad just broke down, again we was told nothing but the machienes was keeping Bailey alive... They left us for a few Minutes before returning.. The nurse slowly took the plaster off Baileys face, Removed the tube from his mouth and gently placed my son in my arms, where just Minutes later he died.. It was 16.57pm Those next 2 hours was hard, I helped to wash and dress my son, Then walk with him and a nurse to carry my son to the Morgue where he would undergo further tests to determine how and why he died.. After 4 days, we went bck to see Bailey and he wasnt there, he was a spirit in the sky.. I will never forget the look on Baileys face, there was no smile, just a look of Im out of pain now Mummy

19th September 2008 Baileys Funeral We gave our little boy the best send off we could do, Baileys new bed was a baby blue carriage ( coffin).. We sprinkled baby blue and silver petals in with him after he had been laid to rest, We looked at all the flowers, took the beautiful cards off them so we could put them in his memory box...We was handed a beautiful book from Baileys nursery where all his friends had said good bye to him with there hand prints, and learned the nursery had got a bench in Baileys memory in the nursery garden.. It was the most hardest day in all my life watching them lower my sons carriage in the ground..Utter heartbreak, I wouldnt wish it upon anyone..


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From: NAOMI24
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Dear new friend, My name is Naomi a good looking girl.I have a special reason of contacting you which i will make...
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From: NAOMI24
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Dear new friend, My name is Naomi a good looking girl.I have a special reason of contacting you which i will make...
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From: joybaby100
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Hi, I am miss joy by name,Is my pleasure to contact you after going through your profile at which re...
Heart Memorial Tribute
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You will remain in my heart always Bailey, xxx
Candle Memorial Tribute
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I'll always love you beautiful xXx


Fathers Name: Mark Braithwaite
Mothers Name: Fiona Braithwaite
Siblings Names: Cameron and Bradley Braithwaite
Country of Birth: United Kingdom
Country of Residence: United Kingdom
City of Residence: Grimsby


Favourite Book: Winnie the Pooh
Other Interests:
Bailey loved watching Childrens programs and listning to stories x


Place of Passing: Leicestor CICU
Date of Passing: 5 June 2008
Cause of Passing: Cardiac Arrest
Type of Funeral: Buriel
Place of Burial: Scartho
Plot Number: 500 D
Funeral Director: JW Embersons
Funeral Location: Grimsby
Funeral Date: 19 September 2008
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17,369 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: BaileysMummy2008 on 29 December 2009    |     Back to Top

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