Betty  Anderson's Memorial

Betty Anderson
(1937 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: Mrs Betty Anderson
Maiden Name: Roseleaf
Gender: Female
Age: 70 years old
Lived: Thursday, 4 November 1937 - Friday, 25 January 2008

My Story

    Betty Lee Anderson (my grandma) was born November 4,1937. She was raised in a loving family. One sister Darlene and one brother Skip Roseleaf , daughter of Charles & Dorothy (Chapman) Roseleaf. She was born and raised in Bettendorf. Betty also raised her own kids, and grandkids in Bettendorf. Betty was married to Buddy Lee Anderson of Bettendorf. They were united in marriage on September 2, 1967. She was a loving daughter, sister, mother, wife, and grandmother. She was a charter of Asbury Methodist Church in Bettendorf. She also had been the manager of a Elbow Mix (bowling leauge) for many years. She loved coming to watch us grandkids play sports and listen to us. She was the best listener ever. No matter what she was doing she would always stop to listen to you. I remember once it was the last five minutes of a lifetime movie that she had been watching all day. I fell of my bike and started to scream. She came running out and made sure I was alright. She took me back inside and made sure I was all banded up. After all that happened she didn't even say one word about missing the end of the movie. Its special times like that, that i cherish the most. We all loved her and still do. She was the best thing God could of given us and i'm glad that i had 13 years of my life to spend with her and get to know her. She loved to travel on vacation with us. I think she always looked forward to it every year so much.  She was more of a family women than anything else. Family always came first. She could be down on her luck, then see our smileing faces and be the happiest women ever. My grandma loved to tell stories of her child hood. My grandma keep this family together and she still is.  She also loved to go by the river and sit. We could sit down there at hours on end not saying one word but still cherishing every second of it. Her favorite color was lavender and she loved to cook. No one could ever cook like she did. No matter what happened that day food was on the table by six. We all love her and miss her dearly, but deep down we know she is still with us watching over us every day to keep us safe. Betty Lee Anderson is everything I said and more. Most exspecialy she is my gardian angel. Mid December she gotten very ill. Soon to find out she had stomach cancer. We sat with her everyday. Soon it started to spread, then on Janraury 25, 2008 at 3:12 am she past away. It was the most sadest day of our lives but also the best. We lost our loved one that day but at least she was not in pain. I know she reading this now and i just want her to know that we love her and miss her dearly and we will NEVER forget her!

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From: NAOMI24
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Dear new friend, My name is Naomi a good looking girl.I have a special reason of contacting you which i will make...
Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: tlee94
Song Name: amazing grace
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Ur favorite song just for you!
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From: tlee94
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Fathers Name: Charles
Mothers Name: Dorothy
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Bettendorf
Occupation: Other
Marital Status: Married
Religion: Other Christian


Favourite Sport: Football
Favourite Team: Iowa Hawkeyes
Favourite Music Genre: Country
Favourite Artist: many
Favourite Charity: American Cancer Society


Place of Passing: Home
Date of Passing: 25 January 2008
Cause of Passing: Cancer
Place of Burial: Davenport Memorial Park
Funeral Location: McGinnis-Chambers funeral chapel Bettendorf, Iowa
Funeral Date: 30 January 2008
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2,933 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: tlee94 on 28 March 2008    |     Back to Top

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