Bonnie Bonita Lee Shaw-Archambeault's Memorial

Bonnie Bonita Lee Shaw-Archambeault
(1951 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: Bonnie Bonita Lee Shaw-Archambeault
Nick Name: Bon
Maiden Name: Shaw
Gender: Female
Age: 57 years old
Lived: Thursday, 31 May 1951 - Friday, 8 August 2008

My Story

                                                               My  Memories of Bon :)
                    Bon was and always will be, my "bosom buddy". She was my big sister, but only by two years. Bon always loved being the big sister. :)
                   I can remember back to when we were about four and six years old. We lived in West Boylston on Hosmer Street. We had so much fun there. That's where some of our best memories started.......
                  There was a small grove of trees on the side of our house and Bon and I used to set up a "pretend " vegetable and fruit stand in there. We had a bunch of those little green plastic baskets that berries come in. (I think our Dad had got  them when he worked at the dump.) :) Dad used to bring home all kinds of treasures  for us.....  The baskets were like new, not that it would have mattered,  because  of course what we put in them wasn't edible anyway. :) We used little pinecones,milk weed pods, those little green things that fall from the trees that look like helicopters, acorns, rocks and whatever we could find ... Needless to say, we never sold anything. :)
                  We had a big field in back of our house where we used to run and catch  butterflies and grasshoppers. We'd have jarfuls of them!  At night we would catch crickets and " lightening bugs". (That's what we called them) :) 
                 Beyond the field we had a  Walnut tree, and it sat on  top of a  grassy hill. So we called it "The Nut Tree Hill". We all loved rolling down it. It was a big hill so it seemed like we were rolling forever... but then when we reached the bottom, we would get up and walk all the way back up and roll down again!  :)  In the winter of course, that was the best place to go sliding....even though we had to pull our sleds back up the hill.  Sometimes ( if we were lucky) our brothers would pull us up about halfway on our sleds. :) 
                  At the bottom of the hill, further out, was a pond . We called it the front pond.  We would go "skating" on it in the winter with our boots.:)  We didn't have skates when we were younger.We couldn't afford them because we had a big family but we didn't mind,  right Bon? We had just as much fun sliding on our boots, and our brothers would pull us all around on our sleds on the ice. We appreciated what we did have....
                  I remember one year for Christmas , Bon got a beautiful doll.She just loved it and she took such good care of it, kind of like Bon was with all of her sisters and brothers and later on in life ,her children and grandchildren.  :) 
                We had  many other special times when we lived in West Boylston, like playing "Kick the Can", "1,2,3... Red Light!", "Simon Says", Tag ,  The Green Monster Head , "Mother May I" , "Keep Away",  and "Hide and Go Seek". We used to play alot of these games out on our front lawn.
                 I remember when we would go to church with Aunt Millie. Mom would  dress us girls up in our little dresses with our petticoats, especially on Easter.  We would have little white gloves and our Easter bonnets.  So many special memories.........
                Now we'll go on to when we moved  to Winchendon.... we had some special times there        too.     At this point there was Chip, Bruce, Dave, Bon, me, Deb, Jude and Bill. (Still more to come!) :)  Bon and I were eight and ten . 
              In Winchendon, we had two big fields. One behind the house, and one across the street from our house. We had apple trees and a little pond also. In the field across the street  , we used to let the neighbors graze their horses.  All of us kids just thought that was the coolest thing. We would tell everyone, that we had horses. :)  We  used to like to feed them apples from our trees. We used to run out in the field ( when the horses were way out) and we'd tease them and say "Na-na  na-na-na......" and then run when they came after us.  Well one day, Bon and I did that and we were pretty brave that day. We went way out in the field and were teasing them and we didn't realize how far out we were until the horses were almost up to us! We were running so fast and those horses were galloping right after us! We just made it out under that fence! I can just see us now laying on that ground out of breath , scared,  but then laughing our heads off! (I don't know what we thought they would do to us, but they were huge!)
              Our Dad was an auctioneer then and sometimes he would have the auctions right at our house, out in our barn- garage.  Bon and I loved it because then us girls got to sell refreshments out of the kitchen windows. :)
              We had fun in the winter in Winchendon also. Our brothers were older then, so when our pond froze ,our Mom would let us older kids go skating and sliding and we'd have a little fire and cook hotdogs or something....Another thing in the winter that we loved to do ( we started this in West Boylston), we loved getting little cups of snow and eating it  and eventually we started putting maple syrup on it. Yummy!  Of course we've passed this down to our children and grandchildren! Right Bon! :) When we lived in Winchendon, our brother John was born.(Still more to come!)
              From there we moved to Baldwinville. and that's where Tina and Kim were born. That makes eleven.Holy Moly!  I think Bon was fourteen and I was twelve at that time."Uh oh!" That was when the real fun began.. :) 
              It was kind of hard being the first teenage girls in our family... (I was almost one) ...We had three older brothers and of course it's different with boys.... our parents were a little over protective.... When Bon and I wanted to go to a school dance or something we were always nervous to ask.... I'd say "Bon, you go ask" and Bon would say, "I asked last time .You go ask" and I'd say "Well then I guess we're not going cuz I'm not asking!" So of course Bon would go ask ,because she knew how stubborn I was.. (Sorry Bon...)  and then we would get this big spiel about no drinking, or getting into any boys cars, etc. etc.... which of course we weren't.  (At that time) haha
             Our friend Sandy Champagne lived next door to us and she used to get to stay up late and our bedtime was at nine o'clock. One night the movie "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane" was on at nine, and Sandy asked us to come over and watch it with her. At first we said no that we couldn't , but then the more we thought about it we knew we really wanted to. That's when we decided to sneak out of our bedroom window.... At eleven o'clock, we came right home after the movie was over. Bon and I went over to our bedroom window and it was closed and locked! We just looked at each other and we didn't know what to do.... Then I said to Bon,"Let's go hop the train!" I think Bon really thought about it for a few minutes but then she said, "We can't do that. Come on Che, let's go in."   Being the big sister, Bon went in first. As soon as we went in, we got blasted  and I ran past Bon into the bedroom...Mom was so mad.....  well needless to say, we were grounded for awhile.... 
                 I have many, many more stories of Bon and my "adventures", but I'm only allowed 10000 words for this I want to end saying,"Thank you my beautiful, precious sister for always being my big sister and watching over me and I am sorry for being such a stinka....." I love you with all my heart,Che


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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: chegarvick
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Hi Bon...........I haven't been on here in a long time.....I've been going through different phases of grieving....I ...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: chegarvick
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"Judy Shaw, I said stop your crying and you listen to your Dad" (Bon in the background..."Yah!" "Bonnie lee, this...
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: chegarvick
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Bon, remember when Aunt millie always made us special cakes for our birthdays.........:) Love you, Che
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: chegarvick
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Happy birthday Bon:) Guess what...there are alot of buds coming on our rose bushes:) Love you....Che
Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: chegarvick
Song Name: Happy Birthday......
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Happy Birthday to you......happy birthday to you.....happy birthday to my big...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: chegarvick
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Hi Bon....Oh Bon I miss you so much............It's May 20th. Bru's birthday. One thing I'll always remember is how m...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: chegarvick
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It's Sunday night...I wish you would call me on the phone..... I know Pastor Kerry is up in Heaven with you & Dad ...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: chegarvick
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Hi my big sister..... it's 8 months today that you've been in Heaven...I miss you so much Bon....I miss our talks o...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: chegarvick
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Hi Bon & Dad....Well, it's almost time to start planting our gardens! They are going to be extra special this year......
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: chegarvick
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Hi my big sister......I know dad's been getting all the attention lately ;) but we haven't forgotten you for one sec...
Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: chegarvick
Song Name: Daddy's Little Gi...
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This song is for you and Dad , Bon....Love you, Che
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: chegarvick
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Hi my big sister. I can't believe it's 7 months.....but then it seems like forever.....I love & miss you so much Bon ...


Fathers Name: Leon Shaw
Mothers Name: Eva Shaw
Spouse's Name: Arthur Archambeault
Children's Names: Guy & Heather -G.C.-Olivia, Tommy,Jimmy,Cookie & Luke
Siblings Names: Chip,Bruce,Dave,Che,Deb,Jude,Bill, Johnny,Tina & Kimmy
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Plymouth, MN.
Occupation: Other
Marital Status: Married
Religion: Born Again Christian


Favourite Sport: Baseball
Favourite Team: The Red Sox!
Favourite Book: The Bible....
Favourite Movie: Whatever Happened to Baby Jane:)
Favourite Music Genre: Christian & Gospel
Favourite Artist: Amy Grant
Favourite Charity: Whoever was in need....


Place of Passing: Minnesota
Date of Passing: 8 August 2008
Cause of Passing: Accidental overdose
Place of Burial: Minnesota
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3,217 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: chegarvick on 7 September 2008    |     Back to Top

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