Dad & Bon Leon Henry  /Bonnie Lee Archambeault's Memorial

Dad & Bon Leon Henry /Bonnie Lee Archambeault
(1925 - 2009)


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General Details

Name: Dad & Bon Leon Henry /Bonnie Lee Archambeault
Nick Name: Bon passed 8/8/08 Dad 3/6/09
Maiden Name: Shaw
Age: 83 years old
Lived: Friday, 30 October 1925 - Friday, 6 March 2009

My Story

It has been 9 months that my dad has been gone and 1 year and 4 months for my sister...her case was just closed recently...I see our puzzle is no longer together, it is no longer beautiful
It will soon be 1 year for our Dad...nothing is the same...

April 18, 2009

Eight months and ten days it has been since IT all began..."IT" being a horrible, gut-wrenching,heart -throbbing, mind-blowing, experience? Is that the word I want? No, there has to be words I don't know...whirlwind...nightmare beyond all nightmares, yet a numbness that goes with it...does that make sense? Does anything any more? Finding yourself questioning what is reality at times....what isn' I o.k? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!!!??? WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT!? People, LOVED ones dropping like flys around you in the strangest the strangest times.............what is it like to have a loved one go quietly in their sleep when you know it is coming without going through hell first and when you are not already grieving for another loved one?
Now Dad.................................................................................................The MAIN "Puzzle Maker".........................
with Bon, "4th" piece.............................................................................
and Pastor Kerry who gave them both such beautiful Memorial Services and has done so much for this family.....All of this in eight months and ten days...........................

Well it is a little over a year but without going into too much detail I am feeling a little hope that we may get SOME answers and have SOME closure soon...and maybe then SOME healing can begin...Will I ever stop missing my sister or wishing I could have been there that night, that morning to wake her to hold her, will my heart ever stop aching, will I ever stop missing hearing her voice, feeling her soft hand on my face???????NOOOOOOOOOO..NEVERRRRRRRR     but maybe just maybe I can feel like all was done that should have been done, or could have been done at least by me, I had to 4 u my Sis..........u would have for me or anyone of us.....things too many things just wern't right and if I was rich I would have got the best lawyer in the world to see this through every last detail but that I am I can only do what I can do .....and I pray when it is all said and done I will have a peace that I can say there...justice has been least this makes sense...SOMETHING makes sense...something was done in my sisters honor,,,,,She was a SOMEBODY!!!!!!!!! To think your file was sitting there all this time doing nothing.......i cannot put into words.....its just how you were treated most of your life......I am so sorry my sister I didn't pursue it further sooner,,,,,,,Please forgive me.....I know you do because that is u, who u are....I pray I can get some answers about this whoe thing what they wrote on your DC also.....I truly pray for peace on this because we know u would never do such a thing  for your Gbabies alone.....So my Sis....I will pray........U & Dad give each other hugs & kisses for all of us ok     We all love u & mIss u both beyond words.....the words were never invented

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From: NAOMI24
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Dear new friend, My name is Naomi a good looking girl.I have a special reason of contacting you which i will make...
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From: Judeh
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Dad i know I have not written in here but u know and i know its not because Ihave forgotten anything......I always kn...
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: Judeh
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12/09 well my sis I decided to lay 1 more stone after all...because now your case has been has taken this...
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From: Judeh
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12/6/09 ...9 Months one way i want to say it seems like that has flown by dad but then again that sounds s...
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From: Judeh
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11/6/09...My dear 8 easier then any other and I still continue to pretend,,,,block tim...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: Judeh
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My Sis..I no longer lay stones and I no longer do the dates but each month I an still watching the calender...the "8t...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: Judeh
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10/6/09 My dear Dad..."7" Months it has been...I write it,,,I hardly ever say it...I barely can think it...I just pre...
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: Judeh
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9/11/09 Well my sis the "8th" has come and gone and as you see I laid no rock as I did each month for a year...I deci...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: Judeh
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9/6/09 My Dad I light my candle late but still put the correct date..."6" months...I did not forget my Dad but as yo...
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: Judeh
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8/31/09 Well my Sis maybe something is finally going to be done to help put SOME closure...I am feeling a little ...
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: Judeh
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8/8/09 here it is my Sis... 1 year....I do not have the words to say what is inside of me once again.......I am still...
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: Judeh
View Memorial's Tribute
8/8/09 It is here my sis.....1 year...I do not hav the words to say what is inside of me as many times before...I am ...


Fathers Name: Leon H. Shaw/ Henry . Shaw
Mothers Name: Eva L. / Doris Mason
Spouse's Name: Archie /Eva Louise
Children's Names: Guy & Heather
Siblings Names: Chip1st Piece, Bruce 2cd Piece, Dave 3rd Piece, Che 5th Piece, Deb 6th Piece, Jude 7th Piece, Bill 8th Piece, John 9th Piece, Tina10th Piece, Kim 11th Piece
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Plymouth/Gardner
Occupation: Other
Marital Status: Married
Religion: Born Again Christian


Favourite Sport: Baseball
Favourite Team: RED SOX
Favourite Book: Bon the Bible,Dad liked Western
Favourite Movie: Bon loved Elvis Movies Dad,John Wayne
Favourite Music Genre: Miscellaneous
Favourite Artist: Dad & Bon Both Loved All music...
Other Interests:
Bon Loved to write! Nothing ever got published but it should have! Dad loved playing instruments and he taught himself!Piano, banjo, hamonica, spoons, guitare, you name it & he was great!


Place of Passing: Massachusetts & Minnesota
Date of Passing: 6 March 2009
Cause of Passing: August 8,2008 for Bon
Type of Funeral: Veteran Service for Dad/Pastor Kerry now also with them in Heaven
Place of Burial: New Hope, Min & Veteran Cemetary Winchendon
Plot Number: HEAVEN
Funeral Director: Pastor Roy Beacham/Doug Stone
Funeral Location: Min & Mass
Funeral Date: 13 March 2009

Music - In the garden

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