Colin James Jay Corbett's Memorial

Colin James Jay Corbett
(1975 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: Mr Colin James Jay Corbett
Nick Name: Cage
Gender: Male
Age: 33 years old
Lived: Saturday, 1 February 1975 - Sunday, 23 March 2008

My Story

James was a great person, with alot of friends..He touched everyone he met in someway. James was kind to people and always offered to help out where he could. I met James by chance, and fell in love right away..I often told him everytime I look in your eyes I fall in love all over again.  James and I had our ups and downs like most couples do, but we always made ammends to eachother.. I loved James with all my heart. He showed me a love like I had never experienced, he always made me smile..I never got to tell James excatly how I really felt before he died. We were not together at the time. In January we had a disagreement and parted, we still talked to eachother on the phone but alot of issues we had to deal with before we'd get back together were left unresolved. I never wanted to deal with our "problems" I was just glad to hear his voice on the phone... He had the kinda voice that if you were having a bad day when he called it was like sparks..You could tell he was smiling on the other end and in return made you smile too. Last time I talked to James was only 4 days before he died..I know he loved me cause he told me in this "Juanita, I always loved you. I just can't handle the fighting" Insted of me saying "I know lets try a new approach" I said "I'm not the only one who starts the fights, you do it too" What a stupid remark, but still at the end of that conversation he said " I love ya" and I said it too...I recently found out he emailed a few people we know and told them he was going to come back home.. At the time of his death he was in BC working and I was in NS. I did not know he was on his way home when he passed on. A tragic car accident claimed the life of the one I truly loved. March 23, 2008 ( Easter day ) I never even knew that he was coming home to try to make things work.  James was a step father to my children who he loved and they in return loved him. He was the type of dad that colored a picture, or tought them how to read, tie their shoes, do homework, read bedtime stories or walks to the park to feed the ducks. He was a big kid himself at Birthdays and Christmas..Playing with the new toys, or turning up the stereo and listening to the latest Akon song. James was also a loving and devoted son and brother..When he was around his family it was like "old friends" getting together, they shared laughter and played games..Cups of coffee and chats. His dad was like his best friend..His brothers and sister he was their protector the big brother. His mom was his guide, sure he didn't always agree with what advice she had but he listened none the less. Friends, James had many from all different walks of life it didn't matter to him if you were in need of something James always made sure you had it, or found a way to help you out and never asked for anything in return. are truly going to be missed by so many..and loved forever by those hearts you've touched. May you rest in peace, and look down on us. Until we meet again someday I am sending you all my love forever and always xoxoxoox
I miss you
Love Juanita xoxoxo
Ride wit me, Die wit me !!!!!  

Latest Tributes

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Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: Snuggly
Song Name: Tears in Heaven
Artist: Eric Clapton
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For you my sweet...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: Snuggly
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I give you my heart...Unil the day I rejoin you
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: Snuggly
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To remember the good times we had..You'll always be in my heart xoxoxo Love Juanita
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: Snuggly
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I miss you and love you forever and always


Children's Names: Step Children - Kaytee, Tylor, Kellie & Chyanne
Country of Birth: Canada
Country of Residence: Canada
City of Residence: Ingonish, Nova Scotia
Occupation: Construction
Marital Status: Other


Favourite Sport: Hockey
Favourite Team: Toronto Maple Leafs
Favourite Book: True Crime
Favourite Movie: Stomp the yard
Favourite Music Genre: Rap and Hip-Hop
Favourite Artist: Akon, Tupac


Place of Passing: British Columbia, Canada
Date of Passing: 23 March 2008
Cause of Passing: Car Accident
Place of Burial: Ingonish
Funeral Location: Baddeck
Funeral Date: 1 April 2008
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2,927 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: Snuggly on 17 April 2008    |     Back to Top

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