Connie  Miller Bissonette's Memorial

Connie Miller Bissonette
(1942 - 2009)


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General Details

Name: Ms Connie Miller Bissonette
Nick Name: Connie B
Maiden Name: Bingman
Gender: Female
Age: 66 years old
Lived: Sunday, 13 December 1942 - Thursday, 19 November 2009

My Story

Connie was born to Fred* and June* Bingman on Dec. 13 , 1942 June and Fred had an additional 5 children all boys Tommy, Donnie,Ronnie*, David* and Dorain, June remarried Golen* English they had a Son Ricky
Fred remarried Audrey* (penny) the had 4 children Nancy, Fred (FD), LeeAnn and Maryann
Connie met and married William* (Bill) Miller on Oct.21, 1960 together they had 5 children
Lisa Louise Miller
Rodney Lee Miller
Robert Ralph Miller
Kathy Ann Miller
William Gene Miller II
they divorced and both remarried they remained friends until Bill passed away in 1998
Connie met and married Ron*  Bissonette they never divorced but seperated
Connie me John(Jack) Riley with whom she loved and spent 26 years with until her death

Connie has 11grandchildren
James William Crawford       Lisa and Will Crawford (Buddy)
Tyler Lane Crawford               Lisa and Will
Brittany Sue Miller                   Rodney and Sue Miller
Jessica Ann Miller                  Robert and Mildred*Todd
Matthew Dale Cliffton II         Kathy and Matthew Cliffton
Davi Allison Miller                  Kathy and David Van Arsdalen
Curtis Eugene Clark             Kathy and George Clark
Gary*Ryan Clark                    Kathy and  George Clark
William Gene Miller III           William and Shauna Daniels
Amber Lynn Miller                  William and Tina Wagner
Harley           Miller                  William and Tina Wagner

Connie has 7 Great Grandchildren
Trenton        Matthew
Mattie           Matthew
Ryanne        Davi
Alexa            Brittany
Madison      Brittany
Davian         Jessica
Shaylin        James

Connie passed away in Key Largo Florida she loved the people and the water  her ashes are to be scattered in Black Water Cove, upon her wishes..
Connie will be truly missed and never forgotten

* all proceeding her in death


Latest Tributes

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Flower Memorial Tribute
From: lisacm
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Happy Birthday Mom
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: lisacm
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Mom I love and miss you very much I am so glad you came to N.C. this year I am very sorry I was not able to be there ...


Fathers Name: Fred Bingman
Mothers Name: June Stutz
Spouse's Name: William Miller, Ron Bissonette, John Riley
Children's Names: Lisa, Rodney, Robert, Kathy and William
Siblings Names: Tommy, Donnie,Ronnie, David, Dorain,Ricky,Nancy,Fred,LeeAnnAnd Maryann
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Key Largo,Florida
Marital Status: Cohabitating
Religion: Catholic


Favourite Sport: Football
Favourite Team: Miami Dolphins
Favourite Charity: Disabled Veterans
Other Interests:
American Legion V.F.W.


Place of Passing: Key Largo Fl.
Date of Passing: 19 November 2009
Cause of Passing: Brain Aneurysm
Type of Funeral: Cremation
Place of Burial: Black Water Cove
Funeral Date: 13 December 2009
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