Constantino  Palacio's Memorial

Constantino Palacio
(1932 - 2011)


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General Details

Name: Mr Constantino Palacio
Nick Name: Tino
Gender: Male
Age: 79 years old
Lived: Tuesday, 12 April 1932 - Friday, 15 April 2011

My Story

In Loving Memory

Constantino Victor Palacio was the third child born into the matrimonial union between Fulgencio Marcelo Palacio of Seine Bight Village and Santiaga Nasario Palacio of Dangriga Town. That union also produced eight other children, namely, Rosalind (deceased), Clifford, Genis (deceased), Luke,  Alexander, Elias, Flora (deceased) and Mary. He was also predeceased by his parents. He was born in Dangriga Town on April 12, 1932.

Tino’s life story can be described as one episode after another. In 1937, Tino’s family moved from Dangriga Town to Seine Bight where he started his elementary education under Principal Mr. Simeon Sampson, Sr. From a very early age Tino always displayed a pleasant disposition which often got him into trouble with Teacher Sam. At school he developed a strong bond with his inseparable, bosom friends Fidel Flores, Eric Lopez and Solomon Cacho. Almost every day they were detained after class for some mischief during class time. While living in Seine Bight, Tino learned different methods of fishing and skills in handling a sailboat. Those skills were later used by him in his adult life as he became an independent entrepreneur.

In 1945, Tino’s family relocated to Dangriga Town where he completed his elementary education at Sacred Heart Catholic School under the Sisters of the Holy Family of New Orleans. After passing the Primary School Leaving Examination, Tino was offered a teaching position by late Fr. John Knopp, S.J., but he did not accept the offer as he preferred a job at the Citrus Company where his earning fortnightly was more than the entry level salary of $8.00 per month as a first year pupil teacher.

After spending two seasons at the citrus industry, Tino decided to explore the timber industry at Hughes Sawmill and Pommils’ Sawmill. There, he acquired many lumber industry skills. Soon Tino felt ready to join his father who was an experienced bookkeeper and commissary manager at several sawmill operations. In 1950 he worked with his Dad at August Pine Ridge, Orange Walk District and in Carmelita at Mr. Jimmy Noguera’s Sawmill. Tino learned scaling pine logs, shipping dressed, rough lumber and managing a commissary store. He and his Dad both subsequently worked at Frank Norris and Robinson’s Sawmill in the Cayo District.

After many years working in the timber industry, Tino decided that it was time to move on. So, he retired to become self-employed and settled down in Hopkins Village, Yugadan, where he was affectionately known as “Teacher”, as “Tino” or “Yau Tino” a diminutive and an endearment of his first name.

Another episode of Tino’s life began when he moved from Dangriga Town to Hopkins with his spouse Leona Maude Ramirez. Together they established a progressive grocery store while cultivating a farm producing vegetables and fruits for sale. He purchased a boat with an outboard motor which he named “Joycelin P” after his beloved niece (Joycelin Palacio-Cayetano, Ph.D.). This boat was used as a water ferry transporting passengers to and from Dangriga Town and sometimes engaged in charter trips to other places as far away as Punta Gorda. He also engaged fishing on commercial basis.

In his new home “Teacher” was highly respected by the community and the children loved him for his kindness. His nieces and nephews living in Dangriga Town eagerly look forward to the summer holidays to go to Hopkins. They often recalled and talked glowingly of the good times and memorable moments they spent in Hopkins with their Uncle Tino and Auntie Maudie. They vividly remembered helping in the grocery store, learning to give change or travelling to nearby cayes on exciting fishing trips. They remembered the nicest hudutu lau lasusu falmou dripping down the fingers as they ate.

Tino had many gifts and could be considered as ‘a man of many parts’- a drummer, a fisherman, a sailor, a grocer, an entertainer, a wanaragua dancer, a punta star, a story-teller and a community leader. His mother-in-law Mrs. Perfecta Ramirez a.k.a. “Mass” was a punta song composer. When a new song was composed by her in Teakettle and before it was released “Mass” said to him, “Tinau, anihan tiñañoun aban iseri uremu. Higabu wouchei lubaragien lapuligarun.” (Tino, here is a new song. Let’s rehearse it before it is released.) Tino picked up his box-drum and started to play the punta rhythm. The famous song referred to here was “Leibuga tiñañoun Kayun, liabimen ñoun lafarunina.” (As is customary, he is going to Cayo. On his return, he will beat me as usual.) There was never a dull moment in Tino’s presence as he often exudes happiness, contentment and merriment as he tells an embellished humorous story from the past.

In the early 70s Tino, accompanied by his spouse Maudie, migrated to Chicago where they resided for four decades. He was employed Museum. Some years ago, every November he, together with James Mendez, led the Garifuna community of Chicago in the preservation of the Garifuna culture, annual celebration and commemoration of the arrival of the Garifuna people on the shores of Belize. Tino has touched the lives of many people in Hopkins and Chicago. He will be remembered for his affability and amiable disposition.

Tino leaves behind the following to mourn his death: his only child Charles Victor Palacio. In addition, left in bereavement after Tino’s death are his siblings his sister Mrs. Mary Martinez, his brothers Clifford, Luke, Alexander and Elias.  Included in the long list of mourners are his six grandchildren, namely, Andrea, Kishane, Ulmar, Charles, Jr. and Sylvia plus his two great-grand-children Malaika Palacio and Kimara Palacio.  A multitude of nieces, nephews, cousins, relatives and friends also shares the grief of the mourning family.

Tino, beiba ameragua. Buidulamuga bemeragun Seiri! Itarala!

Chicago Viewing and Prayer Service
Monday, April 25, 2011
Location: Andrew McGann and Sons Funeral Home
Address: 10727 S. Pulaski,  Chicago, Illinois 60655
Viewing: 3 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Prayer Service: 7p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

California Viewing  and  Rosary
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Location: Holy Cross Catholic Mortuary
Address: 5835 West Slauson Avenue, Culver City, CA 90230
Viewing: 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Rosary: 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Funeral Service
Friday, April 29, 2011
Location: Holy Cross Catholic Mortuary & Cemetery
Address: 5835 West Slauson Avenue, Culver City, CA 90230
Time: 11:30 a.m.

Friday, April 29, 2011
Location: Dennis and Mary Martinez' Residence
Address: 1136 West 98th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90044
Time: Immediately Following The Funeral Service

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Memory Memorial Tribute
From: MaryAronin
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Tino, We miss you - your cheerful laugh, your smiling face. You made us feel cherished and loved. We were so lucky...
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: MaryAronin
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Tino, We miss you - your cheerful laugh, your smiling face. You made us feel cherished and loved. We were so lucky...
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: MaryAronin
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Tino, We miss you - your cheerful laugh, your smiling face. You made us feel cherished and loved. We were so lucky...
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: sarahrose
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Tino was the first person I'd see when I came home from school at the end of the day. He was always kind, funny, smil...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: mornas
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R.I.P. Yao Tino,gone but not forgotten. From Ray and Maureen
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: Forces
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May all the Forces Guide to HOME AND ENJOY ETERNAL BLISS... from Mr & Mrs. Ben & Ionie Palacio, Los Angeles.
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: julamar
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You will be missed dearly.....R.I.P Uncle Tino
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: mcarlson
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Tino, I will miss your laugh and Your smile. The Jackson Towers will never be the same,You are truely missed .I was ...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: Grigacea
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Love Uncle Tino!!
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: SeineBight
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Missing you uncle!!!


Fathers Name: Fulgencio Palacio
Mothers Name: Santiaga Palacio
Spouse's Name: Leona Maude Ramirez
Children's Names: Charles Palacio
Siblings Names: Clifford Palacio, Luke Palacio, Ulmar Palacio , Alex Palacio, Mary Martinez
Country of Birth: Belize
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Chicago
Religion: Catholic


Favourite Sport: Sailing
Favourite Music Genre: World Music
Favourite Artist: Andy Palacio and Rhodel Castillo


Place of Passing: Chicago, Illinois
Date of Passing: 15 April 2011
Place of Burial: Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery
Funeral Location: Holy Cross Catholic Mortuary, 5835 West Slauson Ave, Culver City, Ca 90230
Funeral Date: 29 April 2011

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