Louie Louis, Ruli, Castillo's Memorial

Louie Louis, Ruli, Castillo
(1949 - 2000)


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General Details

Name: Mr Louie Louis, Ruli, Castillo
Nick Name: Uncle Monkey or Daddy or DARDO
Gender: Male
Age: 50 years old
Lived: Saturday, 5 November 1949 - Friday, 8 September 2000

My Story

Louie Castillo was born in November 1949 in Hatch New Mexico. He was the oldest of nine siblings. A handsome man he played football for RIo Grande and ran track.
Louie was drafted to vietnam where he served in the 1st calvary and lost his best friend Mel Salazar jr.

Married to high school sweetheart Linda Castillo sr. They had three beautiful daughters...Linda Anita, Diana Jean, and Mary Louise.

Louie was diagnosed with Lymphomia Cancer due to agent orange. He beat it but due to the loss of his spleen he was often sick. A heart disease took his life...A heart disease nornally found in MUCH older men.

He is survived by his wife, His Daughters, and SIX grandchildren...

Latest Tributes

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Fathers Name: Casimiro Ramierz
Mothers Name: Maria Ramierz
Spouse's Name: Pauline Linda Castillo
Children's Names: Linda, Diana, and Mary
Siblings Names: Josie, Patricia, Annie, Ruth, Lilo, Roger, Freddy, Feremy
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Albuquerque
Occupation: Trades & Services
Marital Status: Married
Religion: Born Again Christian


Favourite Sport: Running
Favourite Team: RAIDER NATION!!!
Favourite Book: the bible
Favourite Movie: hmmm...
Favourite Music Genre: Other
Favourite Artist: Elvis at time...
Favourite Charity: Cancer and Lymphomia society


Place of Passing: University road
Date of Passing: 8 September 2000
Cause of Passing: heart Attack due to disease
Type of Funeral: Military
Place of Burial: Santa Fe national Cemetary
Funeral Location: Southside Church of God
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1,542 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: emileesmom on 10 May 2009    |     Back to Top

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