Ryuji  Uchida's Memorial

Ryuji Uchida
(2012 - 2012)


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General Details

Name: Ryuji Uchida
Nick Name: Dragon Boy
Gender: Male
Lived: Friday, 3 August 2012 - Tuesday, 16 October 2012

My Story

    He lived long enough to be remembered. His body was weak but his spirit was the strongest. On his own he couldn't survive even few hours. But it was God's Will that he stay and fight with us for 75 day, so we could witness God's Grace and Ryuji's ascension to the Spirit World. His name Ryuji. "Ryu" - dragon and "ji" - time (in jap.). His name mean Dragon time in the year of Dragon.
    His body was always in pain, after 4 surgeries he totally depends on machines to support his life. As his parents we can't describe how painful to see your child's suffering. These 75 days felt like 75 years for me personaly. Every day I visit him at hospital thinking about his future, try to imagine how he will look like, what he will become, what can he achive. I was worry how to raise him because he was so wild and active in the woomb, how am I gonna train my little dragon? His spirit was even stronger. When I visit him after first surgery doctor say that he is under strong sedation and he will probably sleep next 2-3 days. But when I came to his bedside and touch his hand he try to open his eyes to look at me. The nurse and doctor were in shock. Ryuji's body was sleeping but he could move his head, hand and even open eyes little bit. That moment I truly felt that Ryuji can become the greatest person and nothing can stop him. 
      Last day of his life was most special. It started from my dream. I was visiting Ryuji at hospital when doctor in white cloth came and pick him up from his bed, at that moment Ryuji was disconnected from life support. At same moment hospital disappear and big bright white blanket appear on right side next to me. When doctor put gently Ryuji on stomach on white blanket I start worry and even try to stop him, because Ryuji can't lay on stomach, he just have 2 surgeries on his tommy. This man (or angel?) didn't say anything he just put his hand on Ryuji's head and move it slowly thru his body till feet. And miracles happen!!! Ryuji push up on his hands and lift his head up. He look at me with big eyes and smile. I never see him looking at me like this - so much joy in his eyes.Then he crawl few steps towards me and stand up. When he stand up I saw his body was totally healed, no scars from surgeries. NOTHING!!!  Ryuji was free and happy! No more pain! No more suffering! He looks like 1 year old boy very handsome and strong.  Then he turn and wooden bridge appear in front of him, it was straight and flat, it was very nice wood and Ryuji start walk towards white bright light. With each step he was making he grows bigger. One step one year. He was going forward and never looked back. The last things I remember he was teenager and he wear blue pants and t-short. His posture was straight and confident. When I wake up all painful memories disappear in my heart. I could feel that Ryuji is going to very happy, peaceful place and he is not suffering anymore.
    Next day in last few minutes of his life Ryuji show us very beautiful face. His face actualy completely changes overnight like after plastic surgery, maybe spiritual plastic surgery. His eyes not swollen anymore and for the first time we could see how big his eyelashes, maybe 1cm(half inch). His nose always was big and wide( like my husband's he is Japanese) and overnight it became small and sharp like mine. He shows us beautiful and peaceful face, which we will never forget. He tries to comfort us, holding our hands and looking at us one by one. "I'm free and I'm going to good place. So papa and mama don't worry, be happy!"- Ryuji was trying to tell us looking in our eyes...
    "See you later!..." - Ryuji. After he take a last breath he breathe out with smile. Ryuji's ascension is the best memories that I wish to share with everyone.

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From: Markus
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One day - soon - we shall see that indeed All Was Love!
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: mft39
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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: mft39
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Flower Memorial Tribute
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Happy First Birthday!!!
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: Meadow
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Dear Sveta Unni and Family, I'm so sorry for your loss, but I know that someday you will all be reunited with your...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: adonia
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You will keep a special place in my heart, until we meet!
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: adonia
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Little Dragon Boy, I never got to meet you, but you mean something special to me in my life. I am reminded about the ...


Fathers Name: Shigeyuki Uchida
Mothers Name: Svetlana Uchida
Siblings Names: Sophia
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: LA
Occupation: Other
Religion: New Age



Place of Passing: Kaiser at sunset
Date of Passing: 16 October 2012
Cause of Passing: He was caled by Heaven
Place of Burial: Rose Hills Memorial
Plot Number: Angels Hight
Funeral Date: 20 October 2012

Music - Memories of you

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