Eddy  Church's Memorial

Eddy Church
(1980 - 2003)


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General Details

Name: Mr Eddy Church
Nick Name: EDDY, ED
Gender: Male
Age: 23 years old
Lived: Saturday, 5 January 1980 - Monday, 11 August 2003

My Story

                                    Eddie Lee Church (Eddy)  Jan. 5th 1980-Aug. 11th 2003       
                                                                                23 years old
  Eddy was born on January 5th 1980.  what an adorable little boy!  Such beautiful blonde hair, and such beautiful blue eyes!  And that little grin he used to always have.  
   Eddy was a typical boy growing up.  Always picking on me when we were younger!  As he became a teenager of course he had the attiitude and got into a few things.  What teenager doesn't!!  Most of the memories that i remember where good ones!  He made me laugh, then cry, then proud to be his sister!!  Like all siblings go through!  One thing that i have learned with my brother's passing is that you don't always know everything and that you find things out more clearly when it happens to you or a loved one.  
   Eddy was 19 years old when he had found out that he lost both kidneys to Goodpastures Disease.  This was in January of 1999.  It was a week after his 19th birthday!  He had an ear infection for several months, and like most people he refused to go to the doctors!  He finally decided to go to the doctors when he did not have any balance.  That is when he started urinating blood and found everything out!  Crazy huh!  I never would have thought it!  The moment that we all found out that someone could donate one of their own kidneys i was the first to volunteer!  Although i was only 17 at the time, no matter what ,i would do it when i turned of age!  My brother had to go onto dialysis.  He traveled to the health campus in Lancaster three times a week.  He would sit there for  four hours on that machine to filter his blood!  Sometimes they would bring his body weight down so far he would almost crash!  There was a coulple of times that i would go in and sit with him during it!  Just to see him sit in that chair hooked to that machine made my heart ache for him!  Now i wish i would have gone with him more!  On March 14th 2000 i was able to donate my kidney to him!  He had the record of being able to pee 19 liters in 19 hours right after the transplant. Sometimes they have to put them on dialysis to get the donor kidney to work!  Eddy definately had no problem!  Eddy ended up having the kidney until July 2001.  He then rejected the kidney and had to be put back on Dialysis!  He was on dialysis until August of 2003.  He had to have a fistula put in to be able to have dialysis. A fistula is when they tie your vein and artery together, It has more blood flowing so that it is easier to filter the blood.  It makes a buzzing sound.  Anyway,  he had one in the lower forearm and once that one blew he had to get one in his upper arm.  That one blew too but this time there was a staph infection.  He ended up going to the hospital on August 4th 2003.  They had to put in a groin cath in for him to still receive dialysis.  During his stay they had found out that there was soo much bacteria growing on his heart valves that they would have to do open heart surgery and use pig valves to replace the old ones.  Well, Eddy never went through the open heart surgery!  On August 11th 2003 my brother under went a procedure that he had soo many time before.  A Perm Cath (When they put a small catheter through the vein in your neck & into your heart) to have dialysis done instead of the groin cath.  He had this procedure done atleast 5 times before.  
   On that day we lost my big brother!   He was 23 years old!  Never will i forget that day! 

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Flower Memorial Tribute
From: kel
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Well big Brother, you are an Uncle to the most handsome little boy. His name is Gaven Stephen. He was born on Jan 1...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: kel
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Can't believe it has been 6 yrs! I miss you soo much! You are going to be an uncle again in March! Wish you could ...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: kel
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I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7/15/09
Incense Memorial Tribute
From: kel
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I LOVE YOU SOO MUCH! Not a day goes by that i don't think about you! Kas deffinately knows who her Uncle is! She c...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: kel
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG BROTHER!!!!! You would be 29 today!! How time flies!! You would be happy to know that i got in ...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: kel
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I miss you big brother!!! Holidays are not going to ever be the same!!! I love you!! 12/15/08
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: kel
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Miss you! 11/11/08
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: kel
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I LOVE YOU BIG BROTHER!!!!! I can not wait till the day we will see eachother again!! 10/30/08
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: kel
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What i would give to see you one more time to know that you are ok. I was just talking to one of my friends from sch...
Incense Memorial Tribute
From: kel
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I MISS YOU! 9/30/08
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: kel
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When Jere and i were surf fishing at the beach he turned around and said "Eddy would love this"! We felt you were th...
Incense Memorial Tribute
From: kel
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Chey's birthday party was today!! It is hard to believe that she is now nine years old! She is growing up soo fast....


Fathers Name: Edward J Church
Mothers Name: Kimberly J Church
Spouse's Name: Tammy Rankin ( Engaged)
Children's Names: Cheyenne Church
Siblings Names: Kelly A Wilson (Church)
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: New Providence
Occupation: Other
Marital Status: Engaged


Favourite Sport: Football
Favourite Team: Cowboys
Favourite Book: Stephen King books
Favourite Movie: Bruce Lee Movies
Favourite Music Genre: Rock
Favourite Artist: Korn, Limp bizkit, Ozzy, CCR, Reo Speedwagon


Place of Passing: Lancaster General Hospital
Date of Passing: 11 August 2003
Cause of Passing: Passed away on the operating table
Place of Burial: Chesnut Level Presbyterian Church, Peach bottom PA
Funeral Director: Reynolds
Funeral Location: Chesnut Level Presbyterian Church
Funeral Date: 15 August 2003
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