John (Johnny) Edward Daddy, Uncle, Son, Brother and Grandfather Spivey's Memorial

John (Johnny) Edward Daddy, Uncle, Son, Brother and Grandfather Spivey
(1957 - 1991)


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General Details

Name: Mr John (Johnny) Edward Daddy, Uncle, Son, Brother and Grandfather Spivey
Nick Name: John
Gender: Male
Age: 33 years old
Lived: Tuesday, 17 September 1957 - Thursday, 10 January 1991

My Story

Johnny was a very fun loving gentle person. He had a great passion for life and loved to live it to the fullest.
He loved his family beyond anything thing else in this world.  His passing came as a shock to his family and left alot of questions unanswered. If there is anyone out there that may be able to help this family put some closure on his passing, we ask that you please contact the authorities .

Johnny was born in Thomasville, NC and had 6 siblings (David, Don,Vernal, Jerry,Franky, Diane) He grew up in a Christian faith home. As many did not know his mother later became ordained. In his late years as a teenager Johnny met the love of his life Cathy and mother to his first child Alana. As with many young relationships it didn't work out. Later he met  his wife Nancy and had his second child G Spivey. This was short lived due to the murder of both Nancy and Johnny as they laid sleeping in their beds in Saint Petersburg, FL one cold January night in 1991. In the home also was a room mate who met the same fate (James Rowe).

The murders have never been solved and no justice ever given for them or their family members that have to live each day without the sound of their voices or being able to see the smiles on their faces. The family has been robbed of the joy of sharing many things in life with them. The most tragic is the uniting of his 2 daughters and the marriage of his oldest daughter (missing out on the opportunity to have walked her down the isle) and later the birth of his beautiful twin grand daughters and his handsome grandson. As we find some comfort in the fact that he is in heaven looking down upon us, it still tears our hearts apart to know that he was taken too early in life and without explanation.

Someone out there has an answer and we pray that one day the case will be solved.

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Stone Memorial Tribute
From: kelley29566
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We miss you Uncle Johnny....I hope that I can keep my promise and that before I take my last breath your murder/murde...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: kelley29566
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Your love for us all shines in every smile on your daughters face and through your grandchildren. Your love shinned s...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: alana1976
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Rembering you on this sad day. It was 19 years ago today that you were murdered and my children and I lost every chan...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: alana1976
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Happy Birthday Dad! You were taken from us before I ever got the chance to know you but I that never stopped me from ...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: alana1976
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Happy Birthday Dad! You were taken from us before I ever got the chance to know you but I that never stopped me from ...
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: kelley29566
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Happy Birthday Uncle Johnny
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: kelley29566
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This candle could never hold a light to the love you brought to everyone you met. You were taken too soon.


Fathers Name: Henry Dowe Spivey
Mothers Name: Vernie Edith Marie Ballew Spivey
Spouse's Name: Nancy Roler Spivey
Children's Names: Alana Quincy Spivey Lester, G Spivey
Siblings Names: David Spivey, Billy Don Spivey, Jerry Spivey, Vernal Spivey, Patricia Diane Spivey Fowler, Frank Spivey
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Saint Petersburg, FL
Occupation: Other
Marital Status: Married
Religion: Other Christian


Favourite Sport: Camping
Favourite Music Genre: Rock
Favourite Artist: CCR, Eagles,Alice Cooper, among many others
Favourite Charity: anything that helped others less fortunate
Other Interests:
anything hands on that challenged the mind, Johnny had great artistic abilities. Johnny's favorite song was "Cats In The Cradle"


Place of Passing: Saint Petersburg Floridia
Date of Passing: 10 January 1991
Cause of Passing: MURDER
Type of Funeral: Traditional
Place of Burial: Spivey Cemetary Iron Hill NC
Funeral Director: Denzell Worthington
Funeral Location: Worthington Funeral Home Chadbourn, NC
Funeral Date: 15 January 1991
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2,561 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: kelley29566 on 17 September 2009    |     Back to Top

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