I love you and I miss you so much. I miss sitting in the kitchen watching you make grilled cheese sandwiches and when you would sneak handfuls werthers after lunch. I miss picking wild flowers and walking down the street to see the pot belly pig. I miss how tight you always hugged me...the way you did the last time we said good-bye. You showed me unconditional love and I hope you always knew an...
We miss your smile and laughter. Your gentle spirit that so many people loved. The hugs you gave so freely. You were such a loving Mom and Grandma. We truly thank God for every rememberance of you.
DeeDee, Jen, and Kim-I am so sorry for the loss of your mother and grandmother. I am praying for your comfort and peace during this time. May you feel the loving arms of Jesus surrounding you.
Mom, Grandma, your love will always stay with us. We remember you laughing at Pinheads and the Moehawks. The mysterious cow that was a rock. You explaining that someone wasn't in trouble, it was a mountain lion. Tasting our creations for fair and loving Pojos. Encouraging us in everything we did. Telling us that we could achieve what God set before us. Enjoying celebrating Kenny & Joey's...