Harold Sydney Bride was born on January 11, 1890, in Nunhead, London, England, to Arthur Bride and Mary Ann Lowe. He was the youngest of five children, and lived with his family in Bromley. After primary school he decided he wished to be a wireless operator, and completed his training for the Marconi Company in July of 1911. He worked on such vessels as the Harverford, the Beaverford, the LaFrance, the Anselm, and the Lusitania.Mr. Bride joined the White Star Line liner RMS Titanic as Junior Wireless Operator. Mr. Bride survived the sinking, but his doing so haunted him for the rest of his life.
In World War 1, he worked as a wireless operator on the steamship Mona's Isle, then in 1922 he moved to Glasgow, Scotland, with his wife Lucy Downie, and Mr. Bride became a salesman. The couple had three children, Lucy, John, and Jeanette. Mr. Bride died quietly at home in 1956 at the age of 66.