Josephine  Hufana's Memorial

Josephine Hufana
(1934 - 2009)


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General Details

Name: Josephine Hufana
Nick Name: Josie
Maiden Name: Hufana
Gender: Female
Age: 75 years old
Lived: Monday, 4 June 1934 - Wednesday, 30 December 2009

My Story

                                      I thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new...
I thought of you yesterday, and days before that to.... 
I think of you in silence, I often speak your name.... 
All I have is memories, and your picture in a frame. 
Although your gone, I shall say goodbye....
Although will not see you anymore, I shall try not to cry, 
                                       I shall not fear.. As I know in my heart, you'll always be near.

   On December 30, 2009, around 7:05pm at Hawaii Medical Center East, Our dearest loved one Josephine P, Hufana had passed away at the age of 75. For the last two years, she been going in and out of the hospital.
   On the month of September 2008, she was admitted at the hospital due to pneumonia, months before that, she also was admitted for the same symtoms.
   Fighting the infection of pneumonia was always a problem for her, yet she was able to recover from it. After a year had passed, Year 2009, she finally recovered from the infection, however she was still hospitalized. because she had been on bed rest for a long time. 
    While being on the road to recovery, she was transfered out from the hospital into a home care facility, were she had to do physical therapy because she was unable to walk.
Prior to the year before that, she had been struggling, she had been through alot of pain, and still she tried to manage herself to get by.
    On the day before she had passed, I told her she'll be able to fight it again, I said she'll make it through it because she is strong,  I said  that I love her so much and i'll hope and pray to god, that she'll be able to overcome this, then I said i'll see her tommorow, just rest now, so she smiled at me and said that she loves me to and she'll see me tommorow.
    On that night I held her hands until she falled asleep, then I kissed her on last time and said I love you.
    The next day came, things had gotten worser, the doctor's took a test scan on her heart, I can honestly say, throughout all those years, from the time she tooked care of me, and raised at birth, not once she had a problem with her heart, not once a test had showed anything wrong, not until now. 
    When the results got back, it showed that she had alot of  clots pumping out of her heart, spreading everywhere, to her lungs, around her whole body like it was cancer. Doctor's said it will be impossible for her to get through it, even if they had medicated her, it'll still be hard, because if one was gone, another will form, more will keep forming, and more will keep spreading, everywhere.
     I always had high hopes and a strong faith in her, however she wasn't able to survive it as i thought she would.
    As time pass, around 7:05pm, I recieved a call from the hospital, a nurse had told me that my mama had passed, the nurse said when she checked on her, she had stop breathing, I've never expected that to happen, I couldn't believe that her heart stop breathing, and that she was gone.
   That day was a horrible day, we cried and said how much we love her, and then we had to accept that she is now in a better place. 

                                         God saw you were getting tired, and a cure was not to be...
                                         He put his arms around you, and whispered softly "Come To Me"..
                                         With tears in your eyes, you slowly slipped away.......
                                         Although we love you dearly, we could not make you stay.......
                                         Golden heart stop breathing, your body laying at rest.........
                                         God broked our hearts as he took you, to show us you were his best......

She was a great person, Strong, Stubborn, Kind, Compassion, Loyal, Friendly, Wise and Energetic, and Enthusiastic.       
    She had a heart that was  filled with so much love, she was someone who we all could turn to, someone to guide and encourage us in anyway she can, someone who will help and care for us, when ever were in need, someone who will never turn her back, and someone who will always be there.
    She is someone very special, someone who we will always have love for, someone who we would  always think of, in our minds, and in our hearts,  it will never die, nor it will never fade away.
    All of our memories will be locked in our thoughts, keeping her in our minds, and she'll will always be missed........


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Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
Song Name: MAMA
Artist: BOYZ 2 MEN
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Fathers Name: Quintin Pascua
Mothers Name: Falaviana Gonzales
Spouse's Name: George Hufana
Children's Names: sons; Mitchell, Micheal, Wesley and David Hufana. Daughters; Doreen Hufana and Tracy Canon.
Siblings Names: Brother; Tony Hufana. Sisters; Caridad Irebaria and Fely Nero
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Honolulu
Marital Status: Widowed
Religion: Catholic


Favourite Sport: Bowling
Favourite Movie: The Substitute and The Bodygraud.
Favourite Music Genre: Reggae
Favourite Artist: Kapena
Other Interests:
Crossword Puzzles and Listening to her favorite radio station 105.1


Place of Passing: Hawaii Medical Center East
Date of Passing: 30 December 2009
Cause of Passing: Problems with her heart and lungs
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