Jasmine  Wong's Memorial

Jasmine Wong
(1908 - 2009)


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General Details

Name: Mrs Jasmine Wong
Nick Name: Wongy
Gender: Female
Age: 101 years old
Lived: Wednesday, 26 August 1908 - Tuesday, 3 November 2009

My Story

This online memorial was created in loving memory of Jasmine Wong, whose life story is told throughout this memorial website.

Her story began august 26th 1908. She was born at 11:38AM and was the beautiful daughter of Huri and Oakey Wong, she was the little sister of Ben Wong and later the bigger sister of Blossum and Georgia Wong. As we turn this major page in her life we saw her grow and soon she was at primary school, attending Tokyo primary and later Gawler Primary in Austalia. The move to Australia in 1918 was one of her most favorite and exiting stages in her life. The Wong family moved into a large house in Gawler because they wished to escape the hustle and bustle in Tokyo, but with this great move there was the loss of Huri Wong. Huri Wong died January 21st in Adelaide Hospital after he wascaught in the centre of a gun fight that broke out in Wasleys on January 19th 1924, Jasmine was 15.

After the loss of Huri The Wong's moved to Kapunda were she attended Kapunda High School until 1926, when she was 18 she completed school being the first Wong woman to finish their education. Due to society in the 1920's and 1930's she was forced to make clothes and repair shoes, she had a dream of someday becoming a nurse. It was due to Kapundas Mayor she was forced to forget about her dream of becoming a Nurse. in 1928 she escaped Kapunda and lived in secret in a small town known as Jarahton. She was 20 and she met the man of her dreams, Jacob Freeman. Her and Jacob married on November 4th 1930, She was 22 and he was 25. He encouraged her to practice nursing. In 1939 Jasmine and Jacob were told that Jamine was with child. In 1940 Jacob was dispatched to fight in WW2. Days after he had left Jasmine miscarried a baby girl. she was devistated by the news.

Weeks later Jasmine recived a telegrahm saying her husband had been shot in battle and that his dying wish was that his baby remember who he was, for his only family was Jamine. weeks after the news Jasmines brother Ben who was living in Germany was murdred by Nazi officials. Jasmines sister Blossum came to live with the delicate Jasmine whom couldnt handle the losses she had suffred. With the loss of her brother and Husband, came the loss of her dream. In 1948, Jasmine turned 40. She celebrated by going to Japan and China. When she returned her mother was diagnosed with cancer. The battle was long and hard for Oakey, but on May 6th 1952 Oakey died. Jasmine was now 44 and she was getting low on cash, so she turned to prostitution. Her first job was at Lusty Grannys, were she soon became the main attraction. In 1960 Georgia Wong died from being a pack a day smoker. Then in 1979 Jasmine started to film her own porn and even made incest porn with adopted family members. For many years she was a slut and whore as she would put it. In 2000 she turned 92. She celebrated with a nice cruse were she raped the capitan, sucked off the chef and spanked the life guards.

She was a very bubbly character. On November 2nd 2009 aged 101 she was sent to hospital after having a heart attack. She was told she was going to be put into a home, She was upset by this news. November 3rd saw the last day on Earth for Jasmine, at 1:00AM she passed away after seeing many of her friends, but her best friend Andrew Ashton was her last vistor whom recalls she went peacefuly and will always be missed by people such as, Amber Northcott, Jemma Coffey, Blake Lambden, Matt Lucantoni, Sophie Thomson, Daniel Sutherland, Justin Steers and many people, EVEN though he may deny it even Matt Wilson loved her. Jasmine leaves behind Blossum Wong, her sister and her best friend. R.I.P Jasmine Wong August 26th 1908 - November 3rd 2009

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From: NAOMI24
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Dear new friend, My name is Naomi a good looking girl.I have a special reason of contacting you which i will make...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: Andrew123
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Jasmine I will miss you more tha ever. Life is nothing but a brief candle. you would say. Love you my friend till the...


Fathers Name: Huri
Mothers Name: Oakey
Spouse's Name: Jacob
Siblings Names: Ben, Blossum and Georgia
Country of Birth: Japan
Country of Residence: Australia
Occupation: Entertainment
Marital Status: Widowed
Religion: Buddhist


Favourite Sport: Horseback Riding
Favourite Book: Harry Potter
Favourite Movie: The Notebook
Favourite Music Genre: Folk


Place of Passing: Adelaide hospital
Date of Passing: 3 November 2009
Cause of Passing: Heart failure
Type of Funeral: A nice one.
Place of Burial: ashes still to be spread at glenlg jetty
Funeral Director: Private
Funeral Location: Private residence
Funeral Date: 21 November 2009
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