Jeanne Mom~Wife~Grandma~Sister~Dfreya Dingus's Memorial

Jeanne Mom~Wife~Grandma~Sister~Dfreya Dingus
(1961 - 2007)


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General Details

Name: Mrs Jeanne Mom~Wife~Grandma~Sister~Dfreya Dingus
Nick Name: dfreya2001
Maiden Name: Colgan
Gender: Female
Age: 45 years old
Lived: Tuesday, 24 October 1961 - Sunday, 3 June 2007

My Story

I will let Jeanne's words tell her own story..except to say that no loss has hurt more than hers....and she lives on in me..and in her family...always...I love you sis

Welcome to my page. This site is to let others who may be interested, know something about me, my family, our events, and different projects and things I have designed.
The above picture is of my family,taken in 1999.
I hope you will enjoy your visit here.

A bit more about me.

Profile Information

About Me:

Humorous , fun loving , clown , relatively intelligent , sane {I think} , motherly ,impish , intense ,sensual ,craft person , deep thinker, deep feelings


Places I've Worked:

grocery store cashier  

US present

Languages Spoken:


"If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's yours. If it doesnt, it never was."

go ahead, just TRY to figure out what I'm thinking......chuckles impishly  


 I am a daughter of Colin C Colgan & Nina Roberta Baker

Dec. 2006 

Jeanne was suddenly and unexpectedly taken from us on June 3rd, 2007~at the very young age of 45. A heart attack in her sleep. If any peace is to be found for is the knowledge that she did not suffer a long, drawn out death. But~There was SO much LEFT for her here...and I still struggle with why God took her & left me. She never got to see her youngest child finish school..she never knew the joy of being a grandmother...and she deserved that. But I know there are reasons. Someday I may be able to accept them more than I can right now. She was bright, and bubbly & had many friends..while I am here alone. She is so very missed.....2/13/08  

 I have much work to do here yet, many pictures to add andf more details. Let it be said she was also a daughter my mother is mad because I had not put that I just assumed everyone would know she was a daughter....
Lret it also be said I have talked with my doctor and hers and NEITHER CONSIDER HER A SCHIZOPHRANIC AS HER MOTHER DOES which I find my self unable to forget or talk to her about. For that I will answer to God on MY Judgement day.
God grant me the Serenity to accpot the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.


Latest Tributes

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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: 12stepnana
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Comment Memorial Tribute
From: 12stepnana
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Congratulations my precious a grandmother...your son ha a son!! I hope you are able to cuddle him somehow...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: 12stepnana
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Hi Sis...I have a man I love like a son there with you now. I am so sad for his brother and sister that they are goin...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: 12stepnana
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I love & miss you my precious baby I wish u were still here...All my love, Cathy
Incense Memorial Tribute
From: 12stepnana
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My Dearest Sisiter..No Christmas can ever come without thinking of you & Daddy....I love you so bvery much and wish y...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: 12stepnana
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I miss you my precious baby sister so much, it is hard to belierve today marks 3 years of your far too short stay her...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: 12stepnana
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I love u & I miss u...all my love, Cathy
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: 12stepnana
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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: 12stepnana
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Hi Sis...I wish you were here with me...I have so much I need to talk to you about. I miss you so much, how unfair li...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: 12stepnana
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Hi Sis..God how I miss you!! If you & Daddy are together, you know what day this is, and I wondered if you could do ...
Incense Memorial Tribute
From: 12stepnana
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Hi sweetie...gosh I miss you SO much. You are a great-aunt again. And it seems the other grandmother besides a...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: 12stepnana
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My dearest sister...I miss you so much Jeanne. Some of your flowers are growing this year much to my shock..they had ...


Fathers Name: Colin Colgan
Mothers Name: Nina Baker
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Strasburg, Va
Marital Status: Married


Favourite Music Genre: Other


Place of Passing: At Home In Her Sleep
Date of Passing: 3 June 2007
Cause of Passing: Heart Attack
Type of Funeral: Memorial Service
Place of Burial: Ashes At Home
Funeral Date: 10 June 2007
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2,623 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: 12stepnana on 9 February 2008    |     Back to Top

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