This story is written by Anthony.....
Jeff was one of my best friends. When he moved up here to CT
he and I clicked very well. We hung out literally every day. So much that
people started to think it was funny. Everyone started to call him Jeffica
teasing us that we was the female of our friendship. He would just laugh and
take his shots back. He was very quick
with his words and very well spoken.
Everyone that knew Jeff knew that he was a very funny character. Jeff
was the type of kid that was always down to do anything. He just loved to be
with his friends. If you asked him to come over and play cards he was there, if
you asked him to come over and play beer pong he was there, if you asked him to
come over and just hangout and watch some TV he was there. He never said no to
a friend. He was all about just having a goodtime and making memories. I don't
know where to begin all the memories I have of him.
I remember the time when we went to the Giants game, and all
the times we went to Archie Moore's, or the time we went to the Bruins playoff
game. Or the time he sat there videotaping me getting my first tattoo as he
kept passing me the whiskey. The times that a group of us went up to the
campsite and lit our buddy Ricks foot on fire or the time the kid fell over has
handle bars. I remember sitting in front of our computers playing games or
making websites for hours and hours of the night. I can remember the times we
went to watch his cousin play in his band. I remember the night that Kathy came
out to the bar with us. She probably thought we were insane but we showed her
what we enjoyed doing. Or all the nights we hung out down in Kris and Laura's
basement and just had fun doing whatever we did. I have many many many stories
of Jeff. He was there for the good and the bad but no matter what he was there.
One of my best memories of him was the time we wanted to learn how to snow
board. We brought him to the top of Killington Mountain. That's the highest
point of the Eastern part of the United States. When we got up there it felt
like you can see the entire world and it happen to be one of the coldest days
of the year that day, it was -20 up there. When he saw that I know he was
completely amazed like he never saw something like that before. Probably because
he hasn't lol. We told him to strap on his board and good luck. To make a long
story short I know he was pissed in the first 15 minutes we were up there. He
had no idea what he was doing; he couldn't stand up on his board for more than
5 feet. The first time he got going he almost hit his head on a rock. He was so
pissed at us. He couldn't believe we brought him all the way up there for his
first time. It took us the entire day to go down the mountain one time. He was
cold and bruised but he was determined to get down that mountain even when the
guys on the snow mobiles told him they would bring him down. After that day
Snowboarding was his joy in life no matter how sore he was. If he could go down
the mountain everyday from then on out he would.
Another great thing about Jeff was he was so smart. He was
one of the smartest people I've ever met. He might not be the most coordinated
people in the world but if you needed to figure something out he would do it no
problem. He was a genius when it came to computers. All you would have to do is
mention something you didn't understand or know about and without you even
knowing he was looking it up, he would find all the information you needed to
know. He used to always tell me what he was going to do with his money when he
becomes rich. I used to always laugh at him and tell him if you’re going to
become rich you need to get your ass off my couch and go make a program or
something. If anyone knew Jeff you know he had it in him to do so. He just had
a short mind span. He would be working on one thing and get another idea and
start working on that.
Most of all Jeff was a true friend, a Real friend. Someone I
am proud to say I knew. I will never forget our times together with him and all
of our friends and family. He truly was an amazing guy and he will never be
forgotten. May you rest in peace. We all love you!!!
Celebration/service for Jeff/Red will be held on July 23rd. It will be in Wallingford, Connecticut @ 12pm to 8pm. It will be food/drinks , horse shoes, beer pong and all his friends and family. If you would like to bring a dish of food or a bottle of wine feel free to do so. You must come with a story to tell of you and Jeff.