joan  patel's Memorial

joan patel
(1938 - 2005)


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General Details

Name: Mrs joan patel
Gender: Female
Age: 66 years old
Lived: Thursday, 15 September 1938 - Sunday, 14 August 2005

My Story

This memorial website was created by susan conway in loving memory of joan patel.

joan was born on 15.09.1938 and sadly passed away on 14.08.2005 at the age of 66.

joan is missed greatly by family and friends and will be remembered forever.

i have made this memorial page for my dearly loved and missed grandma, my grandma was a bubbly, loving caring and generous lady. she was married to my grandad for over 40 years and they was a match made in heaven. but obviously god needed an angel and he chose the best one. my grandma was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2003 she was told it could be removed...but on the day of her operation there was fluid surrounding her lung so the operation couldnt take place, therefore the hospital persponed the operation for a week. the next week my grandma went to have the operation but this time they never did any checks beforhand, when they opened up my was too late...the cancer had they jus had to close her back up and they gave her two years to live. my grandma started radiotherapy and deteriated really quickly it is amazing how much a person can change in such a short space of time. my grandma was in and out of hospital and was constantly high on drugs half of the time she didnt realise what she was saying and got confused. it was a hard time for everyone having to watch her deteriorate so quickly and all we could do was watch and help the best we could. my grandad was great he cared for her everyday he wud carry her upstairs morealess just to get her into bed he would bath her and was great when they say in sickness and in health it really was my grandma couldnt of had any other better care than the care she got from my grandad. my grandma ended up in hospital because she couldnt breathe, a few days later i got a phone call at 2 o clock in the morning saying to go straight to the hospital because my grandma was deteriorating fast and it wasnt looking good. i never really thought of the worst, i jus got dressed and went to the hospital with my boyfriend. when we got there my grandma was just led in bed like she was asleep it didnt seem real it never seemed like she was going to die, but then at around 5am there was me my sister and my grandad in the room with my grandma when i noticed my grandma had stopped breathing it was the scariest moment ever i didnt know what to do i couldnt speak, my grandad had jus fell asleep i wasnt sure if she had stopped breathing then i heard my sister and my cousin whisper that she had and i jus screamed "grandad shes not breathing" i jus remember seeing my grandad pull the pillow from under her head and i ran out of the room into the day room were all my family was and scanned the room for my mum everyone rushed out of the room were i was comforted by my uncle. my grandad brought her back. i know this may seem heartless as it was nasty to bring a person back who was in pain, but that wasnt her moment to die we hadnt had chance to say goodbye, so we all then entered the room were my grandma lay and each took it in turn to kiss my grandma n tell her we loved her and that everything was going to be okay and she could go now so then about 6.08am on 14th august 2005 we all stood round her bed and watched her take her last breath it was the worsest time of my life but also a sigh of releif that my grandma wont suffer anymore and will be at peace and i will remember it for the rest of my life...RIP GRANDMA I LOVE YOU X X X

Latest Tributes

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Heart Memorial Tribute
From: susiepovie
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my heart is with u allways x x x x
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: susiepovie
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my heart is with u allways x x x x
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: susiepovie
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r1p grandma i lv u xxxxxxxxxxx
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: susiepovie
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four years this time grandma i lv u so much xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: susiepovie
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grandma...another year has passed i cannot beleive it is 3years today.. i miss you sooo much!!! i wish you was still ...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: susiepovie
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grandma...its nearly three years since u sadley passed away 14th august!! i miss you soo much and you are always in m...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: susiepovie
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i love you grandma...i know u watch over me wen im down x x x
Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: susiepovie
Song Name: if tomorrow never...
Artist: ronan keating
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If tomorrow never comes Will she know how much I loved her Did I try in eve...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: susiepovie
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luv u x x x x x x x
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: susiepovie
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a candle for u grandma i miss u soo much x x x x x x x x
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: susiepovie
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i love you grandma x x x x
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: susiepovie
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i hope this site will stay on the last one i made expired n sed i had to pay..remembered forever yea rite i love n mi...


Marital Status: Married



Place of Passing: in hospital
Date of Passing: 14 August 2005
Cause of Passing: cancer
Place of Burial: preston cemetery
Our Wishing Well

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1,984 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: susiepovie on 19 March 2008    |     Back to Top

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