's Memorial

(Unknown - Unknown)


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General Details

Lived: Unknown - Unknown

My Story

Dear Kaitlinne,

Even if i never had a chance to get to know you i dont regret one minute i had with you ,
You made me realise so much and made me understand that the love a mother has for their baby is unconditional,
No matter how tough it is, was or ever will be,
You are so loved by so many people even those who never met you,
You are so special to me & everyone else,
You will ALWAYS be remembered,
there isnt a day that goes by that i dont think of you,
I love you so much i did from the minute i knew you were mine and i always will.

My love to you always & forever
Mummy XxXxXxXxXxX

At the start of 2007 when me and my boyfriend who was a year or 2 older than me split up i started getting morning sickness and putting on a little bit of weight i had no idea why untill febuary the 7th 2007 when i discovered i was pregnant it was a huge shock as i was only just 13 ...
It took about 2 weeks before i got used to the idea of it after i had i was really exited i had no intentions of having an abortion or putting the baby up for adoption i had my heart set on keeping the baby so i didnt tell anyone exept a few of my best friends,
When i was 4 months pregnant i started experiencing pains and at 21 weeks i started bleeding heavily it was awful i was pretty much by myself.
When she arrived she was so small and dainty she was trying to breath but it was clear she couldn't do it by herself and as i hadnt told anyone i didnt know what to do,
After about a minute she started bleeding through her mouth, nose & ears i panicked i didnt know what else to do so i held her close and begged her to be ok yet i knew it wouldnt help.
When she was gone i held her for a while, kissed her goodbye, told her i loved her with all my heart.

Kaitlinne sweety i wont ever forget you ill always hold you in my heart,
Mummy XxXxXxXxXXXx

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Incense Memorial Tribute
From: BeenDeleted
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its a month before her second birthday 22.may.09 <3 i love my little angel kaitie forever.x
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: lovemylivvy
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www.OurForeverBabies.com I light this candle And fill it with love And send it to you In heaven above
Heart Memorial Tribute
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i'm sorry for your loss...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: BeenDeleted
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Kaitlinne I Miss You I Hope Your Happy Wherever You Are Tomoro Is What Would Have Been Your 1st Birthday So For Tomor...
Candle Memorial Tribute
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Foe your angel.x
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: BeenDeleted
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baby i need you so much i need you and i love u im despreate for you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: BeenDeleted
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i need you here sweety xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: BeenDeleted
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I JUST WANNA HOLD YOU ONE LAST TIME!!!! i love you baby xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: BeenDeleted
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I sat by you today and as long as its been it still hurts to accept youre not here in my arms anymore xxxxxxxxxxxxx...
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: BeenDeleted
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The little fluttery feelings, the times you made me laugh, the first time i held you and told you i loved you was so...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: BeenDeleted
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Baby ill never get to see your first steps, never get to hear your little voice for the first time, never get to s...




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2,400 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: BeenDeleted on 28 February 2008    |     Back to Top

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