The time has gone so fast since you left this life....miss you
To M S L J B D I couldnt let today go by without acknowledging you the candle which will never die signifies my undieing love for you.
You will ALWAYS hold my heart in your hands
I love you my s l j b d and today I am going to go down memory lane with you
a m l y g s jb w.
I may not write much but you are always in my thoughts
My darling Kiwisoulmate
Today is the 22,02.12
It is 1 year since the deastating earthquake that hit Chch.It is also msljbd;s birthday.There isnt a day goes by without me thinking of you and our life together.
Happy biryhday my darling, soulmate sljbd,I love you
Until we meet in heaven aml mgsbw
Hi Kathleen. It only seems as if it was yesterday that you rang me at work and told me you had been given 6months to live (at the most). I didn't believe you and thought it was a strange kind of a joke you were playing on me. You seemed so indestructible. Larger than life (personality wise). We did not always see eye to eye, but in fact I can see now that we were in fact, much the same in many ...
2 years have passed but your smile remains in my heart as strongly as if I had seen you only yesterday. Imiss you more than words can explain Your giggle remains with me always .Iknow you are looking out for me and have your 'sign'.God bless you MGSJBW
Hi kiwi,
i have spoken to your son Daniel. He sent me a photo, he is a handsome young man. You would be proud of him. He said he tried to come see you but it was going to take too long for them to organize everything before you left us. I let him know how you use to talk about him all the time and how much you loved him. Missing your cheeky smile.
You are truly missed and we think about you every day in one way or another. You still make us laugh from some of the funny memories we share. We know you are around. Keep up the quirky little mesages. Liz really appreciates them. Please be with Liz tomorrow for 'the visit'. She needs you to be near.
Love always. Liz .XXOO and Cathy too.
Why can't you be here to wrap my presents for me.? I realize just how much you did that I, and other people, took for granted.
Im wishing and hoping that you are having a much happier xmas where you are - than the ones you had here, which usually held sadness for you in one way or other.
I will picture you singing your heart out and joining in the Xmas Carols up there, out there, somewhere,...