Kyra LeeAnn  Britt's Memorial

Kyra LeeAnn Britt
(2007 - 2007)


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General Details

Name: Ms Kyra LeeAnn Britt
Gender: Female
Lived: Thursday, 9 August 2007 - Sunday, 12 August 2007

My Story

November I found out I was pregnant with Kyra. We didnt tell anyone else until after I was past  4 months. We were soooo excited! At 17 weeks I went in for Level 2 ultrasound and the dr. called me into a room and told me the dreadful news that there was a possibility of spina bifida and would I have an amnio done. I told them yes. A week later I had an amnio and Kenny was there. We got the results a week after and it was confirmed from AFP being high that she had a neuro tube defect (spina bifida and hydrocephalus). They gave us our options..keep my baby or have an abortion. We came to the conclusion that GOD doesnt give us anything we CANT handle!!!.We also were told she was a GIRL and had perfect chromosomes and no genetic problems. I was so happy GOD was giving me a lil girl BUT scared as to what I was going to do and was my baby alright! I also had an ultrasound done that day and then they couldnt find the spina bifida. The dr. decided to do a vaginal u/s and was told there was  3 spots of spina bifida and hydrocephalus. We were so confused after that....didnt know who or what  to believe anymore. I WAS SCARED....worried. I was going for  2 week appt to keep checking on spina bifida. We went in for MRI (where I freaked out and criedfelt like the world was just collapsing on mebut I had to know how my baby was!) We got the phone CALL we were dreading....we were told that spina bifida was in thoracic and lumbar region and severe hydrocephalus but outcome looked LONG but OKAY with lots of surgery and help. Neurosurgeon said may or may not walk and that potty training may not be possible.
WE spent the rest of those 9 months worrying and wondering b/c everytime we had u/s something new was said or they couldnt find it.  
About 6 months into pregnancy I found out I had gestational diabeties and had to be put on insulin shots 3 times a day. Spent a weekend in the hospital. Last month of her being inside me I had to go and get NST and BPP done evry week. They told me b/c of hydracephalus I had to have c-section. BOY, was I scared. On my weekly appt. 8/8/07 I had my NST and BPP done and KYRA failed, they sent me home to eat and come back. I figured I would give her some ice cream and strawberries~ She failed again. I had to stay right there at the dr./ hospital (Shands). I couldnt believe this was happening already . I was worried for my baby.  The next day I was transferred to a different hospital a few miles away b/c they had a NICU dept. for KYRA. Thank godness they did. I got to Baptist Hospital @ 1pm and by 4 I was being prepped for my c-section. Kenny came up there then b/c he sat at home with the kids.WE WERE ON THE PHONE CONSTANTLY! At 6:06pm she was born. The nurse during surgery bought us a camera b/c we were told we were not aloud to have one. I have a beautyiful pics of her coming out. During c-section they had to do an "old fashioned cut" on me. Dr. told me that if I ever have anymore kids I have to have a c-section and my ovaries looked real this point who cares.  
Kyra was 7lbs 1. 4ozs. 16.9 inches long. 2 hours later while in recovery a dr. came in to tell us the update on Kyra. We were told that she DID have spina bifida ( 1- the size of a silver dollar) It was in her lower back covering the thoracic and lumbar region. She also had severe hydracephalus (88% fluid in the brain)She had her right ribs fused together. Her lungs and kidneys never grew. Her kidneys were 3 cm. and 3.5 around. She also had clubbed feet. Reports also said she had Arnold-Chiari Malformation and severe kyphoscolosis. She was on total ventalation. The next day I went to see her. Daddy was already there visting her during the night. The neurosurgeon refused to do the surgery. He said she had to be breathing on her own and that wouldnt happen. She wouldnt make it anyway and if she did her quality of life would be dim. We decided to take her off the ventalator Sat at 5pm. So the family can get here. My mother, my dad/stepmom, his mom, aunt, and cousins, and our children came to be with KYRA. NILMDTS came in and we spent saturday evening in the "LILY ROOM" taking pictures. Maria with spina bifida foundation came to see KYRA.
That night was a tough night for us. We spent the night basically with Kyra. Everytime we would try to sleep a little her lil heartbeat would go down and she would turn real pale. They would call for us to come back down as soon as we had came back to room. When we would get there KYRAs color would come back and h/b would go way up. We finally got to get about an hour sleep and Daddy went down there to say he would be back and immediately they called for me. When I got down there about 12 I held her and at 1pm the nurse came in and checked her breathing SHE WAS precious ANGEL!!! She is OUR lil princess. WE ALL LOVE HER...and MISS HER SO MUCH!!! U will NEVER be FORGOTTEN. Your big brother was there waiting on you to play...till we meet agian......LOVE YOU!

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Flower Memorial Tribute
From: mitraheaven
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God Bless This Angel
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: momofanangel
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For an angel of Heaven
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: shortydlyte
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I know you don't know me but I saw your angels page and I had to write Sorry for your lost may you find comfort in th...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: lovemylivvy
View Memorial's Tribute I light this candle And fill it with love And send it to you In heaven above
Heart Memorial Tribute
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What a beautiful little baby, and how brave God Bless you all and may god be with you and your lovely family xxxxxxxxxx
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: miss
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Flower Memorial Tribute
From: MaryCleary
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Heart Memorial Tribute
From: MELI
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Candle Memorial Tribute
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For your Angel.x


Fathers Name: Kenneth Britt
Mothers Name: Joanna Boyd
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Palm Bay
Marital Status: Single



Place of Passing: Baptist Medical Center
Date of Passing: 12 August 2007
Cause of Passing: Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
Type of Funeral: Memorial
Place of Burial: Home
Funeral Director: Holmes Glover Solomon Funeral Directors Inc
Funeral Location: Jacksonville, Fl.
Funeral Date: 12 August 2007
Our Wishing Well

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