my mum was a wonderful lady, she was a nurse for 45 years and worked very hard. she had been married to my dad tom for 39 years and had 2 children me liz and my brother matthew. she also had 5 grandchildren. my mum fell poorly in september she started to complain of heartburn and found it difficult to eat, so she decided to go to the doctors and he gave her some antiacid tablets. these did not work so she decided to go back again,by this time she had lost alot of weight. he did some blood tests and thet came back low so she had to go in. she had a blood transfusion and xrays and a camera down into her tummy, but it was negative. she then came home but was rushed in again she then had a scan on her tummy. the doctor told us she had cysts on her kidney and this was very common in a lady of her age and this was causing her problem. she was sent home again with build up drinks and painkillers. a week later she was taken in again because her bloods were so low and she weighed six and a half stone, she should of had a biopsy on her kidney which she did not have,she had some more more tests done and was sent home with an appointment to go back in two weeks. she went back two weeks later to be told she had cancer and it had spread from one kidney to the other and into her lungs,adrenal glands and skin. ther was nothing they could do, she was misdiagnosed in september, if the doctor had done the biopsy on the kidney then she would still be here today. she died on dec 20th aged 61. we have an investigation going on but it could take a while. a waste of a life.