Jeffrey Gordan Smith's Memorial

Jeffrey Gordan Smith
(1995 - 2009)


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General Details

Name: Mr Jeffrey Gordan Smith
Nick Name: jeffy, bug,
Gender: Male
Age: 13 years old
Lived: Sunday, 26 November 1995 - Saturday, 10 October 2009

My Story

Jeffrey Gordan Smith, born November 26th 1995. He was born to LaVerne H. Smith Jr. and Jackie L. Ayers. He was born in  hospital. He was a very very brilliant little boy. He taught himself how to play piano. He loved to read, write stories, and draw. He loved Harry Potter and the nascar driver Jeff Gordan. He was diagnosed with Hemophagocyticlymphohistiocytosis (HLH)  at the age of nine and then his journey to fight for his life began. He had two transplants, the first one was on August 15, 2005, and second was on January 1, 2006. He was a child that always had a smile on his face and was one of the greatest bravest kids alive. He touched soo many peoples lives.He lived out his final day on October 10th. He was pronounced dead 10/10/09 at 10:00pm.

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Candle Memorial Tribute
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hey jeff sorry aint been here lately but here is the update ur lil cuz is now 16 months old and a heck of a hellraise...
Heart Memorial Tribute
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hey bud jus wanted to wishu a happy thankgivin and let u know im still thinkin of u . love u buddy forever and ever.
Heart Memorial Tribute
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hey jeffy sorry i aint been on in a while to talk to u bud, things have been kinda hectic latley u got a second cousi...
Flower Memorial Tribute
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hey buddy how u doin? jus checkin in miss u lots. hope u are really happy. jus wanted to come on and say sumthin to u...
Candle Memorial Tribute
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hey buddy havent been on here to talk to u in a while ....miss u and love u lots and i hope u kno that everyone here ...
Candle Memorial Tribute
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happy b-day.... and happy thanksgivin lil man hope u have a great one miss u and love u bunches...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: AuntyMel
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Stone Memorial Tribute
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Flower Memorial Tribute
From: Asia
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Jeffrey, we all miss you.
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: Asia
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Jeffrey G.Smith was a really good and kind boy. Rest In Peace Jeffrey.
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: ihoney322
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RIP Jeffrey. We all will miss you. You're in God's presence now.
Incense Memorial Tribute
From: justin88
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R.I.P buddy


Fathers Name: Laverne Smith Jr.
Mothers Name: Jackie Lampson
Siblings Names: Adrien and Anessa and Nicholas
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: lowville
Marital Status: Single


Favourite Team: Jeff Gordon from Nascar
Favourite Book: Harry Potter
Favourite Movie: Any Harry Potter
Favourite Music Genre: Classical
Favourite Artist: beethoven
Other Interests:
Fav. toy - bubba doll loved to write stories and draw taught himself to play keyboard seen a helicopter land and played tha grand piano at 13.


Place of Passing: Golisano Children’s Hospital in Rochester
Date of Passing: 10 October 2009
Cause of Passing: Hemophagocyticlymphohistiocytosis (HLH)
Type of Funeral: Iseneker Funeral Home, Inc
Place of Burial: Rural Cemetery in lowville
Funeral Director: Rev. Bruce W. Chapman
Funeral Location: 5702 Waters Road, Lowville
Funeral Date: 16 October 2009
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2,617 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: redneckprincess on 14 October 2009    |     Back to Top

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