Richard Alan  Ryan's Memorial

Richard Alan Ryan
(1954 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: Richard Alan Ryan
Nick Name: "Sir Rich"
Gender: Male
Age: 54 years old
Lived: Thursday, 22 July 1954 - Thursday, 31 July 2008

My Story

My Darling Richard

Determined, Brave, handsome, funny, all those words in the dictionary should have your name written beside them.

For 19 years you were my partner, my husband, my friend, my everything. The void you have left behind can never be filled.

Your courage in the past 3 years is unmeasurable, despite losing your voice, the ability to cook, the pleasure of having you favorite food, you still tried to look on the bright side. You are and always will be my hero.

I want to thank you for fighting so hard against such an awful disease - for the right to be with us just a little while longer, I want to thank you for trying to keep our spirits up, I also want to thank you for loving me as much as you did.......Right till the end, when I think back and remember myself lying next to you, telling you I loved you, and you in your last moments telling me you loved me too, I cry selfishly for the wonderful man I have lost.......... I LOVE YOU

Sleep well my love, I know you are out of pain now, Sing a song for me...........
All my Love

Sammie x


It feels impossible to sum up 54 years of a person's life in just a few words.  Words can be so meaningless, bland, insufficient.  So, instead, I will paint you a picture: Envision a big ball of sunshine - warm, bright.  Picture long rays reaching high into the sky.  Now, picture those rays holding a spatula, microphone, pint glass, pliers, telephone, life jacket, and car keys all the while singing "Sweet Caroline" with the voice of an angel.

That's him. That's what 54 years of masterful artwork looks like.  Far more beautiful than the Mona Lisa.  THAT is Richard A. Ryan.

"Pop" (as I called him) was remembered by his siblings as playful and very protective - traits he never lost - but fine-tuned as he grew older.  In fact, his youngest sister, Becky, fondly once told me, "With him as an older brother, I had no chance!" Pop always new exactly when to protect those he loved and when to give them wings.

Pop is busy looking over all of us now (And there are a LOT to look after!) - his mom & dad, wife, sons and daughter, brother and sisters, brother, sister, daughter-in-laws, neices, nephews, grandchildren, grandchildren-to-be, friends (who NEVER were just friends to him, they were family), and anyone else blessed to know him - even if for a minute.  He made everyone in his life feel special (old acquaintances and new) up until the day he was set free.

Before the stars were blessed to have him join them, Pop once told us that he would send us a sign to let us know he was there.  Robert jokingly said, "yeah, you'll reinact the scene from "Ghost" with the penny."  Pop smiled and said, "No, I will likely break something. Actually, feathers. That'd be me."

I know several of us have seen feathers since he passed.

Looks like Pop was finally given wings of his own.

With fond and laughter-filled memories,
Amber Ryan

The day you went to America I cried and broke my heart.
It`s not so far you told me we won't really be apart,
I`ll come home to visit and you can visit me,
The truth is it wouldn't  happen
It wasn't meant to be.

You came home one Christmas,
Mum and dad they visited you,
But I couldn't get there,
The chance would not come through.
When I was young you cared for me in trouble and in strife,
But I could not get there for you as you fought to save your life.
It`s not I didn't want, It`s not I didn't care,
But money wouldn't let is just not fair,
But you came to the rescue and to America I flew,
We sat and talked, we sat and cried the fight had gone - I knew.
I`ll never forget my brother,
He`ll always be in my heart
And now I know how right he was
Of me he is a part.
So distance and life can`t separate us
In me there`s always you,
In my thoughts and in my actions my brother still comes through.
One day we`ll be together - a family like before
And you my lovely big brother will be opening up that door
All my Love
Becky xxxxxxxx


Brother can you remember
When we were both still small
The fun we had,the talks we shared
looking back- we had it all
Brother can i play with you and wear your favorite shirt
Will you let me throw the football once
I swear i won't get hurt
Brother will you help me solve this problem i have got
there's this boy i know in my class who i really like a lot
Brother will you show me how to try and drive a car
Will you let me drive your brand new truck i swear i won't go far
Brother will you please wake up and live
I won't believe that you may die you've got so much to give
Brother i guess its time to leave the service is now through
I'II say one last prayer, one last good-bye and one last
                            I LOVE YOU
                                Jenny xx

Latest Tributes

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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: beckysawyer
View Memorial's Tribute
just to let you know rich love and miss you as much today one year on always in my thoughts keep singing i hear you xxxx
Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: SammieRyan
Song Name: I Cross My Heart
Artist: George Strait
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Flower Memorial Tribute
From: Helene813
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Wish we had the chance to know you longer and better. You were a terrific man, and your life shouldn't have had to en...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: SammieRyan
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I miss you more and more each and every day, I love you, one day we will be together again.......... Sammie
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: beckysawyer
View Memorial's Tribute
here rich is last part of my poem it wouldn`t let me do it together but thats me isn`t cant do any thing right :- I`...
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: beckysawyer
View Memorial's Tribute
the day you went to America icried and broke my heart. it`s not so far you told me we won`t really be apart, i`ll com...
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: beckysawyer
View Memorial's Tribute
last saturday brought back so many memories rich you dressing as clive dunn sing ing grand dad at the village chris...
Candle Memorial Tribute
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Brother can you remember When we were both still small The fun we had,the talks we shared looking back- we had it ...
Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
Song Name: The Wonder of You
Artist: Elvis Presley
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This will always remind me of you, you were so brave, and dignified and your ...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: smurph2604
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The world is a darker place now that one of it's brightest souls has left us.However he is now peaceful and painless ...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: nannie53
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Dearesr Richard, I WILL NEVER FORGET THE FIRST TIME I MET YOU ,,,,,,,,, You became my freind and mentor I will neve...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: nannie53
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Fathers Name: Colin Ryan
Mothers Name: Sylvia "Peggy" Ryan
Spouse's Name: Samantha Ryan
Children's Names: Robert, Ricky, Ketaura, Amber (daughter-in-law)
Siblings Names: Becky, Steve, Sue, Jennifer, Jackie
Country of Birth: United Kingdom
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Florida
Marital Status: Married


Favourite Artist: Rod Stewart, Neil Diamond


Place of Passing: At Home
Date of Passing: 31 July 2008
Cause of Passing: Cancer
Type of Funeral: Memorial Service, Celebration of life
Our Wishing Well

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2,827 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: SammieRyan on 8 August 2008    |     Back to Top

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