In Missing you Still . . .
It has been a Long long time since I have been here or to your Site. I feel so bad sometimes and I miss you. I think of you often still I see parts of you almost everywhere I look. It gets very hard sometimes but i ask for guidence in the Lord. and he will help me. I Love and miss you Just like Yesterday..................
Its a new Year and I miss you just as much as ever..... I love you always ~L~
I think of you everyday. You will never be Forgotten-
Its been awhile since Ive been here- I think of you daily I don't know if anyone else does......I tried a few weeks back but it was telling me My password was not my password-One of the finer flaws of the internet.Alot has changed-I don't talk to hardly anyone anymore I stay to myself....I haven't talked to your mom or dad in a long time or even Rae: Its like "Out of sight out of mind" I'm not ...