Sandon Sandington Snail's Memorial

Sandon Sandington Snail
(2011 - 2011)


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General Details

Name: Dr Sandon Sandington Snail
Nick Name: Sam, andy, brendon
Maiden Name: Larry
Gender: Male
Lived: Tuesday, 1 March 2011 - Tuesday, 19 July 2011

My Story

He was mine and phoebes dear pet and we loved him loads, we built him a house up a tree and katie perry (8kg) loves him to, she had his babies :( RIP

Latest Tributes

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Stone Memorial Tribute
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we love you all and miss you terribly
Comment Memorial Tribute
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We Miss You Loads, RIP xxxxx


Fathers Name: Sand
Mothers Name: On
Spouse's Name: LOLOLOLOL
Children's Names: Lolly, Icepole, Choco
Siblings Names: Izzy
Country of Birth: Barbados
Country of Residence: England
City of Residence: Gravesend
Occupation: Government
Marital Status: Widowed
Religion: Agnostic


Favourite Sport: Camping
Favourite Team: Scouts
Favourite Book: the wizard of oz
Favourite Movie: The wizard of oz
Favourite Music Genre: Punk
Favourite Artist: Black Veil brides, All Time Low
Favourite Charity: NSPCC
Other Interests:
eating and sleeping


Place of Passing: Gravesend
Date of Passing: 19 July 2011
Cause of Passing: falling from a tree
Type of Funeral: cremated
Place of Burial: scatterd at hopehill
Our Wishing Well

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1,086 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: Courtneyxxoxx on 8 July 2011    |     Back to Top

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