Richard  Webber's Memorial

Richard Webber
(Unknown - Unknown)


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General Details

Name: Mr Richard Webber
Nick Name: Spider
Gender: Male
Lived: Unknown - Unknown

My Story

Spider was from Maryland and moved to PA at some point.

This is going back to when I was about in 7th or 8th grade I believe back in the early 90's. 

Spider went to Conrad Weiser JR/SR high school in Robesonia, PA. 

He was an awesome friend and a great person to be with.  He got along with everyone.

I belive when I went to his funeral I waited about an hour to an hour and a half to get in. 

He had sooooooooo many friends! 

He was very funny, always cracking a joke.

Unfortunately one day on the weekend he was showing a friend of his, his dad's gun and I don't think he realized it was loaded and his finger slipped on the trigger shooting himself right in the head. :-( 

His friend and sister said it was too late, there was nothing they could have done to stop it or anyway they could have helped him. 

I found out on a Sunday morning when I was helping to waitress at a gun club I was at.  A good friend of our family told me.  He asked me if I knew a Richard Webber who went to school where I did, and I said no, but then I remembered that was Spider's real name (no one called him Richard).  LOL 

I just fell into a seat and cried...  I was crused...  As well was everyone that knew Spider. 

We all loved him soo much. 

He will be and is still missed to this day. 

WE LOVE YOU SPIDER!!!  Rest in Peace!!!

Latest Tributes

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Flower Memorial Tribute
From: skmathias
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Miss you
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: skmathias
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Miss you
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: skmathias
View Memorial's Tribute
Miss you
Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: LWebber
Song Name: Wish You were Here
Artist: Pink Flyod
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Incense Memorial Tribute
From: LWebber
View Memorial's Tribute
May peace be with you......
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: LWebber
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I remember the night before your accident I was home sick in bed. And all I could hear through the bedroom wall was y...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: lily
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Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: CandleKisses04
Song Name: Wind beneath my W...
Artist: Bette Midler
View Memorial's Tribute
I dedicate this song to Spider, because this song was out when he passed away...
Heart Memorial Tribute
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We miss you Spider
Candle Memorial Tribute
View Memorial's Tribute
Wish you were here
Stone Memorial Tribute
View Memorial's Tribute
Miss you
Flower Memorial Tribute
View Memorial's Tribute
We miss you Spider


Fathers Name: Not sure
Mothers Name: Not sure
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Robesonia
Occupation: Other
Marital Status: Single



Place of Passing: In his residence in Robesonia, PA
Cause of Passing: Accidental self inflicted gun wound to the head
Type of Funeral: Very Large, lots of people, lots of pictures of him, because he was creamated
Place of Burial: Creamation
Funeral Location: Womelsdorf, PA
Our Wishing Well

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2,524 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: CandleKisses04 on 12 January 2008    |     Back to Top

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