Tabitha Anne  Moore's Memorial

Tabitha Anne Moore
(2007 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: Miss Tabitha Anne Moore
Nick Name: Tabs
Gender: Female
Lived: Sunday, 25 November 2007 - Saturday, 12 April 2008

My Story

Well here goes my beautiful baby girl was born on 25th november 2007, i was really lucky with her right from the start as i only had a 2hr labour  in a birthing pool, but then i had trouble delivering the placenta and when it came out i was told i was lucky as if my waters hadn't broken as she came out and it had happened earlier she would have died as my placenta and umbilical cord was deformed, i can remember being so relieved, anyway we came straight home at 1 in the morning as i wanted to be there for my son when he woke up as he was only 18months at the time.

Then after 2 weeks things started going wrong she started to bring her feeds up and loosing loads of weight, we tried a few things like infant gaviscon, but nothing worked, on New Years Eve we were finally told to go straight to hospital with a suspected stomach problem, when we arrived she was promptly put on an sats machine but it was only reading at 43% where it sould be 98 and above, but she wasn't blue so they changed the machine and probes but still such low readings.

The consultant came to see her and immediatley sent us to bristol by ambulance with a suspected heart problem, it wasn't her tummy at all. When we got there she was given an Echo and we were given the bad news that she had Transposition of the Great Artereies and a very large hole in the heart, we thought that was the end, I stayed in hospital with her as i was still breastfeeding but then it ended up that she had to be tube fed but still i stayed and my husband came everyday with our son Zachariah so i could spend time with him too.

A week later they operated on her and it was succesfull, but they had to leave her chest open for 2 days as the surgery took 8hrs instead of 6 so the swelling was to bad around her heart, when they closed her chest an hr later we almost lost her again as her heart and blood pressure plummeted as her heart decided to get in sync again and tried to bypass the external pacer she was in, but after 1/2 an hr of the fantastic team in PICU she pulled through, but then her kidneys wouldn't function and pee out the paralysing drugs so she could't wake up, the she caught bhroncillitus and a tummy upset and ended up in PICU for 9 days and only weighed 7lbs whereas she was born at 8lb 6oz she was 7 weeks old when we left hospital so we spent 2 weeks in hospital.

When we got home she done so well she was put on SMA High Energy to get her weight up and she pilled it on, she done so well when we went for her check up a week after leaving hospital they were so pleased with her they said not to go back for 3 months, she was such a happy girl never cried i was sure she was meant to be with us, then on at 1am on 11th April we had to call an ambulance as she went white and floppy, we thought she just had a chesty cough, when we got to hospital she started to pick up in the oxygen box and after most of the day there we were just about to go then she went down hill and we were told it would be wise to say our good byes to her i felt like my stomach had been ripped from my body.

The retrieval team from Bristol came for her and put her into a pre op state which she just survived and they took her staight there, the next afternoon she had deteriated so much they done an angiogram and found her heart was dying from lack of blood as a valve had shrivelled up and dyed so blood was leaking away they had to operate but we were only given a 50% chance of survival but that was better chance than leaving her, so they went ahead and operated for 5 hrs got her heart going again for 10 mins but then it just gave up and there was nothing they could do for my beautiful little girl. We spent the night cuddling her cold body and dressing her she looked so peaceful.

I am so grateful the memories she has given us but it hurts so much and i find it hard to cope but i do have Zach to think about, and i Know she would want me to keep on going. I still cry everyday and would do anything to hold her again but her memories are clear and full of love.

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Fathers Name: Nigel Moore
Mothers Name: Claire Louise Moore
Country of Birth: Great Britain
Country of Residence: Great Britain
City of Residence: Yarnbrook



Place of Passing: Bristol childrens Hospital
Date of Passing: 12 April 2008
Cause of Passing: Heart
Place of Burial: Westbury
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