Talon John  Stafford's Memorial

Talon John Stafford
(2009 - 2009)


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General Details

Name: Mr Talon John Stafford
Nick Name: Precious..LiL Man..
Gender: Male
Lived: Wednesday, 11 February 2009 - Wednesday, 11 February 2009

My Story

Talon John Stafford

Born On Wednesday The 11th Day February 2009...11:15am

Was Taken Into The Arms Of The Angels ...11:28am

Beloved Son Of Nathan + Caz
Beloved Baby Brother To Twins Jesse + Keiley
loved and missed so dearly by all family + friends

I got the news i was pregnant with my 3rd child on october 13th 2008 and my partner and i could not be happier..
We already had twins so to announce our news we decided to share it with all our family and friends on the 1st birthday of our babies [october 16th 2008]  - as to be expected everyone was thrilled, even some happy tears from our parents but like we said some tears could have truly meant horrified tears... nathan and i were both 29 at the time and i have a rare kidney disease which means within the next two yrs i will have to undergo a transpland so having our family was important to us.

My first few scans went well and each time i got home from an appointment my ultrasounds went straight into a frame and hung on a wall..
At 11.5weeks i got really ill and took myself off to my local GP just assuming i was coming down with something because everything a ate or drank would not stay down, i was feeling really nauseated and so tired.. my GPthen referred me for a scan just to be sure my baby was ok and he was a little worried about my kidneys aswell.. i guess im greatful this scan eventuated...as i layed on the bed and the radiologist was doing her thing i noticed she was circulating 2 main areas and i began to get a little more worried,i asked her if there was a problem and she replied with " i still have a few more things to check" so i closed my eyes that moment and could feel my eyes swelling with tears knowing this just didnt seem right. Nathan sat speechless beside me but as he reached up and grabbed my hand i could feel the clemmyness apon his hands.
After about 15more minutes the radiologist insisted she would be back as she left the room only to come back moments later with another specialist....the 20minutes he spent looking at my baby and not a word of wisdom from him i could feel my worse nightmare was about to be put apon us...and i was right.
The ambilical cord and placenta had freys which the say normally repair themselves but there was also an issue with the joining that was stopping Talon from recieving the neutrience and oxygen he needed with development.2weeks later i was off to see another specialist for a 2nd opinion and was given the same imformation from the first but now there was worry that the lack of oxygen to the brain would cause scaring and could and possibly would turn into hydrocephalus [water on the brain].
I was deverstated.. for days i closed myself away,didnt want to see or speak to anyone and even as a mother it was hard to look at my own precious twins.. Nathan struggled i guess in just a week i become this mental wreck and need answers to why this would or could happen to me??!!??
After a week we got together with family to embrace them on the situation and from that moment on my whole pregnancy become more of a nightmare.. things were looking up at 16weeks when we found out we were blessed to be having a baby boy + there was no fluid forming on his brain i got home from my appt and rang everyone in my phone book telling of the news and i could hear the relief in there voices just as much as i could feel it apon myself..by 18weeks my whole world had come crashing down again...fluid and scaring had formed and still in 4 weeks Talon had not grown..
i was then given one of three options
#1 undergo a spontaneous abortion...
#2 continue to carry but there was a 15% change i would go into premature labour and Talon would suffer with downsyndrome  
#3 continue to carry and chance the 85% chance i had of reaching full term and giving birth to a still born

As far as Nathan and I were concerned this was our baby and regardless we were going to love him no matter what we just couldnt come to terms with letting someone take our precious away from us and decided that option number 2 was where our heart lead us too. after all it was only a small % that we had to worry about..
On the evening of February 10th 2009 Nathan,Myself and the Twins were at a friends place for dinner  and from nowhere i started to feel faint and had really uncomfortable cramps so off to southerland i went,within an hr of being there i was then told i had to be induced ...doctors were informing us both on the dangers apon not only Talons but my health aswell but nothing seemed to be sinking in,families were called and soon enough my room was cramped with our families. as midnight hit i recall feeling as though i had been going through this for more than i could bare little did i know there was still a lonnnng way to go.
11:15am Talon had finally arrived..i remember laying there waiting to hear his first cry - but nothing, i laid motionless and its only by photo's i see the distress on Nathans face.Doctors were everywhere and so much talking was going on between them but i still only ever heard the lyrics to Jordin Sparks song Tattoo..
11:28am Talon had stopped breathing, my first look at my LiL Man and he was lifeless.
i held him against my chest and cried..i cried ..and i cried..
Talon had his Daddy's same shape face..his daddy's lips but my nose.. the one thing i missed was the window to his soul,Talons eyes were still sealed.

6hours we spent and there was no easy way of saying goodbye, every mother goes into have a baby expecting to return to home with he/she....i went home empty handed.i was entirely empty..

i like to say
***a few moments captured is a life honoured***

not a day will pass where Talon is not loved..missed..or cherished in my memory + heart
i love you LiL Man...so much.

.R.I.P.in the arms of our loving Angels.

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From: NAOMI24
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Dear new friend, My name is Naomi a good looking girl.I have a special reason of contacting you which i will make...
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From: AuntyMel
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for an angel
Comment Memorial Tribute
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11th August 2009... sadly 6months has passed, this time then i was holding you in my arms never wanting to let you g...
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January 12th 2009... i felt your first movement, i was so overwhelmed that i woke your daddy up throw giggling and m...
Memory Memorial Tribute
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13th of October 2009.. the very day i found out you had entered my life i was filled with so much glee.. instant lov...
Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: AngelTalonsMommy
Song Name: ANGEL
Artist: Sarah McLachlan
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Not only as a mother but friends + family hear this song and sudden thoughts ...
Heart Memorial Tribute
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fOrever i will carry yOu.. not only in my heart but my memories too.
Candle Memorial Tribute
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Talon.. my LiL Man,nOt a day passes that i want Or need tO hOld yOu, I clOse my eyes and see yOur face and this i w...


Fathers Name: Nathan Stafford
Mothers Name: Caz Moore
Siblings Names: Jesse John, Keiley Jane
Country of Birth: Australia
Country of Residence: Australia
City of Residence: Cronulla


Favourite Team: Talon would of supported the Parramatta Eels just like his Daddy.
Other Interests:
Sleeping + while he was in mommy's tumtum he liked peppermint chocolate, strawberry jam and rockmelon.


Place of Passing: Southerland Hospital
Date of Passing: 11 February 2009
Cause of Passing: Hydrocephalus & placental clotting
Type of Funeral: Cremation
Funeral Location: Pine Grove Cemetery
Funeral Date: 16 February 2009
Our Wishing Well

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1,906 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: AngelTalonsMommy on 5 August 2009    |     Back to Top

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