Mum I just need u back I can't do this anymore I try but never seem to do anything right, I'm done I wish I could take your place n let u enjoy life but atleast u aren't in pain anymore I'm completely dying on the inside I just want u back mum I just wanna give u a hug n kiss and for u to tell me everything will be okay
heyyy mummy, just thought i would come and say hello and tell you how much i miss you and how much i really do love you, i think about you everyday i still cant get my head around that i dont have you anymore, its so unfair but i no you are no longer in any pain and you are happy. i no karlea misses you everyday and we would change it if we could we still need you so much. i miss you mum, you w...
hey mummy, i thought i would just stop by and say i love you so much and i miss you i hope you are sitting up there with everyone. say hello to that beautiful brother nan and pop for me i love you mum i'd do anything to see you one last time
r.i.p mum i love you i miss you so much... i no that if u were here that u would approve of my fiancee sandhu:) i miss u i need u i need u to tell me everything will be okay.... i need you to hold m y hand and help me get ready for my wedding these are all things we should be doing together it is so unfair i miss u mum i hope u are happy... always in my heart and dreams forever
mummmy you are my hero
mummy you are my hero i miss you so much i wish i could have you back to tell you how much i miss you.
i miss all those times we shared when you use to tuck me in at night and you gave me a teddy bear that i held so tight.
mummy i miss you so much i want you back so bad
From: karlea
Song Name: missing you
Artist: first lady
mummmy i love you very much i miss you so much i wish i could be wioth you but i cant :( R.I.P mum you will always be in my heart and never be were the best mum anyone could have ever had and i will do the best i can in life to accomplish the best to my a...
hi im kelly date gemma and karlea older sister so sad that you lost your life the way you did and i really feel for the girls i know how they feel as i lost my stepdad which i class as my real father to cancer and then 8 months later my brother died it was the hardest year of my life they only thing thats getting me through is knowing thatmy dad had to leave first to wait for my baby brother so...