Wanda Lynn Whiteley's Memorial

Wanda Lynn Whiteley
(1935 - 2006)


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General Details

Name: Mrs Wanda Lynn Whiteley
Nick Name: Nanny
Maiden Name: Wallace
Gender: Female
Age: 70 years old
Lived: Friday, 27 September 1935 - Friday, 12 May 2006

My Story

Nanny was deeply loved by all who knew her, family and friends alike.  Her family was always the most important thing in her life, and she delighted in every family get-togather that she created.  She was married for 49 years to the love of her life, Elzy, and raised twin girls with unconditional love and humor.
     She was born in Coleman Texas in 1935, and struggled all through her childhood with severe asthma, making it impossible for her to attend school.  Through her determination she taught herself to read and write, and she made sure that school was important for her children.  Her daughters Jalan Lynn, and Kalan Diane were born in Brownwood Texas on July 3rd, 1958, and when the girls were 2 years old, the family moved to Corpus Christi Texas, where they stayed until moving to Houston Texas when Elzy was transferred by his company. 
     In Houston she was very active in church, and taught the youth group, Awanas.  She hardly ever missed a church service, and that continued when she and her husband moved to Brownwood Texas in 1994.  She was very close to her older sister, Annie Mcdonald, and tended to her when she was terminally ill with stomache cancer.  It was just 5 years later when Wanda learned that she had ovarian cancer, and began chemotherapy, and underwent a hysterectomy.
     She fought courageously for 3 years before cancer claimed her life, never once giving up in her trust in the Lord.  She was a living testimony to the love of God, and daily gave her family faith and inspiration.  She rarely missed a church service, continuing to minister to others, and singing with her family  about the Grace of our Lord in total faith and conviction. 
     She is the bravest person I know, and her loss has left a huge hole in all our lives.  I was honored to have her as a Mother and my best friend.  Rarely complaining, and always loving.  I miss you Mom, and will be counting the days till we meet in Glory.

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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: kaykay58
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Mom, it's been so long since we were together, I miss you just as much now as when you went home. All the kids are g...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: kaykay58
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Today is the anniversary of your going home. I know it will only be a blink of an eye for you before we are all reun...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: kaykay58
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I sure miss having the holidays at your place Mom. I love you.
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: kaykay58
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I still miss you so very much Mom. Poppy Jubilee is here and so is Rose Petal. I know in my heart you see them now, ...
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: kaykay58
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I miss you calling me up and saying "Want to go split a cheeseburger at Corinna's sister?" I miss that so much! I lov...
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: Penny
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When I was about 7 years old, Sarah and I spent a couple of months with Nanny and Papa in Houston. It was so much fu...
Memory Memorial Tribute
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I remember the first time you played murder with my husband and you bit his arm!!! I miss you so much, can't wait to...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: jayjay
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I remember how you loved having the family over for sing-a-longs. I miss those times so much. Can't wait to see you o...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: amandacoers
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You deserve to be cherished every day.
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: amandacoers
View Memorial's Tribute
I miss you every single day.
Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: kaykay58
Song Name: Blue Bayou
Artist: Kay
View Memorial's Tribute
You loved hearing me do this song, and I will always remember singing it for ...
Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: kaykay58
Song Name: Far Side Bank Of ...
Artist: Elzy, Jay, and Kay
View Memorial's Tribute
I remember how you loved singing along with us on this one!


Fathers Name: Henry Wallace
Mothers Name: Sally Edna Wallace
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Brownwood Texas
Occupation: Education & Training
Marital Status: Married
Religion: Other Christian


Favourite Sport: Baseball
Favourite Team: Houston Astros
Favourite Book: Papa's Wife
Favourite Movie: While You Were Sleeping
Favourite Music Genre: Christian & Gospel
Favourite Artist: Norman Rockwell
Favourite Charity: Church Missions


Place of Passing: Brownwood Texas
Date of Passing: 12 May 2006
Cause of Passing: Ovarian Cancer
Type of Funeral: Christian
Place of Burial: Greenleaf Cemetary, Brownwood Texas
Funeral Location: Brownwood Texas
Funeral Date: 15 May 2006
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3,257 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: kaykay58 on 15 February 2008    |     Back to Top

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