Xander Lee  Pierce's Memorial

Xander Lee Pierce
(2009 - 2009)


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General Details

Name: Xander Lee Pierce
Nick Name: Xander
Gender: Male
Lived: Sunday, 20 December 2009 - Sunday, 20 December 2009

My Story

"Xander Lee Pierce was born stillborn at 2:10am December 20th, 20inch long 6lbs 4oz, it was a cord accident, the cord was wrapped around the neck. We believe god wanted him sooner and that he is in heaven playing with family and other babies. Its been really hard on me and my husband but we are trying to stay strong. I have been crying so hard its hurts so much." 

I went into the doctor the 18th because I haven't felt him move for an extremely long time. The doctor for me on the nst and no heart beat. So he did the Doppler still couldn't find him. So they did the ultrasound machine they couldn't get him to move. 
At 5:16pm Dec 18 th they started me on the inducing meds the Vaginal one first then at I want to say 6pm Dec 18th I started having contractions about 2mins apart but no dilation it was the meds basically making the contractions happen. Then on the 19th they put me on pitocin I cant remember I was hurting so much from the contractions I couldn't think straight about 9pm the 19th they had me try to push but I was moving fast enough for the pushing but then around 1am it started and I started pushing and my body even did it on its own too. Around 1:50am his shoulders got stuck and the doctor had to try to start to pull because I started getting pale because the epidural was wearing off and I already been in labor for a long time and my eyes started rolling back but he still wouldn't come so they basically had to push my legs back all the way to my chest and have me push the nurses pushed on my stomach to try and get his shoulders to move and the doctor started pulling. I was a long process but we got him out and he still was the most beautiful baby I have ever seen even though we was purple and skin was coming off him but he was beautiful he had the dark hair like I did when I was born and he have my husbands nose and lips. The cord was very short and was wrapped around him neck once but extremly tight the doctor had a hard time getting it off. 
At 4:30am a photographer from "Now I lay me down to sleep" A non profit organization that photos still born's for family's that cant afford to do it. Came by and offered to take photos of me and my husband and mother in law with the baby. Also they took other photos of him too ill look at them when I'm ready to right now I'm not sure I can do it. They let me hold him full wrapped with only his face showing because his rest of his body was pretty much decaying. He looked like he was sleeping he was and still is so beautiful. 
I got a funeral home and we are going to cremate so we can always have him close to us in our home. The hospital gave us a keepsake box with the outfit they had him in and some of his hair and his foot prints with also a card signed by my nurses and my doctor. Ty you so much for listening 
Sorry if any of this is TMI I just wanted to let you know what happened. 

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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: omerta
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I hope you will find peace. You are one brave woman. God bless you
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: pgerman5
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I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine the pain you feel. I believe you will hold your son again. He was jus...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: narwa
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Fathers Name: Brent Pierce
Mothers Name: Audra Pierce
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Moses Lake
Religion: Other Christian


Favourite Music Genre: Country


Place of Passing: Samaritan Hospital
Date of Passing: 20 December 2009
Cause of Passing: Cord accident
Type of Funeral: Cremation
Funeral Director: Kaysers Chapel and Crematory
Funeral Location: Desert Springs Church
Funeral Date: 6 January 2010
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