Abi-Grace  Scott's Memorial

Abi-Grace Scott
(2006 - 2006)


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General Details

Name: Miss Abi-Grace Scott
Nick Name: My Princess
Gender: Female
Lived: Friday, 20 January 2006 - Friday, 20 January 2006

My Story

Abi-Grace Scott
Concieved September 05
Due 18th June 06
Passed Away 20th January 06 Due to misccarriage at 17 weeks x

My little girl meant the world to me while i was pregnant, I was only 16 when i found out but abortion was not an option for me so instead i grow to love this little baby inside of me. Me and my bf brought her cot, clothes, everything my little girl could possibly want and I was looking forward to being a mum.
  Then on th 20th Jan 06 evrything changed cos my little girl's heart stopped beating and she was gone forever. I never got to hold my little girl or to say goodbye but I really hope that even tho at first I didn't wana b a mum I did love her uncondionaly and always will do.

  Abi's memory will always live on and eventho I only have the one scan pic of her she will forever be wih me. I have moved on with my life now, become a fully qualified Childcare and Education Worker from studying at Lincoln College and am now studying Children and Playwork at Sheffield Hallam University. I  have met a fantastic new man who as a son of his own called Harley Jay. Both Sean and Harley are my world and I love them both to bits. Sean is aware that I lost a child and knows that I am scared of having another child when the time comes.  I hope that in the future I wont be scared to have a child as I know that miscarriage happens for no reason sometimes and does not mean it will happen again. But for now I am blessed with the memory of my daughter and the life i share with Sean and Harley.

R.I.P Abi-Grace Scott- Mummy will always love you xXx

Latest Tributes

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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: chazcam
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Flower Memorial Tribute
From: Rennerj1952
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Your little girl is an angel. My grandmother always told me that when a baby passes away, God needs another angel. It...
Candle Memorial Tribute
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For your angel Too many gone but not forgotten x
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: Becksta
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Although you are gone from your parents lives, you will live on in their hearts, so as you watch over them, make sure...
Stone Memorial Tribute
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All my heart and prayers are with you, May you find peace and well being and remember all those lost in time, prayers...
Incense Memorial Tribute
From: Trish3113
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R.I.P Abi-grace . Love mummy x
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: Trish3113
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i gave u my heart da day i found out i was carryin u and in my heart u will always remain
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: Trish3113
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lighting a candle just like the thought of u lights up my heart x Miss you abi-grace
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: Trish3113
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For evry stone I lay I will think of you always
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: Trish3113
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To my little flower-R.I.P


Fathers Name: Wayne Vickers
Mothers Name: Trish Bee
Country of Birth: United Kingdom
Country of Residence: United Kingdom
City of Residence: Lincoln


Favourite Artist: Westlife- all i played wen i was pregnant


Place of Passing: Lincoln County Hospital
Date of Passing: 20 January 2006
Cause of Passing: Miscarriage
Type of Funeral: Never Got The Chance To Have One
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2,927 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: Trish3113 on 6 October 2008    |     Back to Top

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