Adam  Kelly's Memorial

Adam Kelly
(1986 - 2007)


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General Details

Name: Adam Kelly
Gender: Male
Age: 21 years old
Lived: Monday, 10 March 1986 - Sunday, 27 May 2007

My Story

   Adam was born on March 10, 1986 between snow and ice storms.  It was one of the worse winters I can remember.  I had a long, difficult pregnancy marked by numerous hospital stays and many sleepless nights.  When he was born healthy, my husband and I were both very relieved and thankful.  Our fears were unfounded.  He was perfect.  
   He was such a happy child.  His laugh seemed to suit someone much older - when he laughed it came right from his tummy - it made everyone around him laugh.  You could not be sad around Adam. 
   His beautiful blond curls and infectious smile could light up a room.  People were drawn to him as a toddler for he seemed too smart for someone his age.   
   A week after Adam started kindergarten his sister Megan was born. He doted on her, played with her, made paper crowns for them both, taught her many things and loved her very much. 
   He grew to be a talented artist, winning many contests and competitions.  He was a gifted athlete and excelled at soccer and hockey, as is his sister.  He was a goaltender for his hockey league from age five.  The honors he received for his skills were the feather in his cap.  He cared for and displayed his trophies, certificates and awards with pride.  His teammates credit his goaltending and ability to play under pressure for winning the Provincial Championship in his final year of minor hockey. 
   After graduation from high school in 2004 we expected him to pursue studies related to his drawing abilities.  Instead, he went on to study and graduate from Cape Breton University certified in Automotive Body and Collision Repair.  He put that knowledge to work repairing cars he bought and sold, fixing his friends vehicles and helping others with their car woes.  There was no automotive job he felt he couldn't handle - he would somehow find out how to fix it.  His passion was Honda cars and he could tell you anything and practically everything about various models.   
   There was no shortage of friends parading through our house over the years.  Adam made friends easily and felt comfortable bringing them home.  Sleepovers and camping with an extra child or two was common.  We felt blessed to have a child who was outgoing, talented, loved nature and animals, had many friends and a good heart.   
   He had a steady girlfriend when he died, but sadly enough we didn't really get to know her until after his death.  She turned out to be a wonderful  young woman and somehow I felt cheated not knowing much about her until it was too late.  Adam's new job paid a decent wage.  He and his girlfriend (who was studying to be a teacher) were making plans to get a place of their own that fall.  It was not to be.
   On a beautiful, sunny, warm afternoon - May 27th, 2007 - Adam made a split-second decision that cost him his life.  Although he had the car he was working on, properly jacked up with supports and other safety precautions taken, for reasons we will never really know, decided to slide under a parts car nearby.  He had removed three of the tires for some reason and had that car jacked up with bottle jacks and a plastic milk crate wedged under the rear bumper.  I suspect he dashed beneath that car to take a quick look at where or how some part was positioned or had been attached when one of the jacks failed causing the entire weight of the car to shift.  From his position when I found him, it was obvious to me he knew what was happening and tried to get out.  Too late - with only one tire on the car there was nothing to prevent the frame of the vehicle from crushing him.  He died only minutes after he and I had spoken in the house.  He had ended our conversation with his usual big smile, standing in the doorway and by telling me he had to get back outside to do some more work on his car.  
   The accident must have happened right after he left the house.  He died only a few feet away from me, but on the other side of a wall where I could not see or hear him.  The way I found my only son dead will forever haunt me.  One second of carelessness was all it took to steal him from our lives.  He was only 21. 
   I am trying to move on with my life, but a large part of me died with Adam.  I try to greet each day as the gift it is, but some days I would rather stay in bed.  I don't.  Instead, I get up and face the world with a smile - just as Adam would want me to do.  He loved life and I feel an obligation to Adam to live life with the same zest he did.  I won't lie and say everything is rosy, but I am finally able to laugh, smile and have fun again.  Megan and I have kept in touch with Adam's girlfriend.  She has passed her teacher's exams and will soon begin her teaching career.  With each conversation I see that her grief has lessened.  I am happy for her every accomplishment, just as Adam would be.  My hope is that she will find someone who will love her for the very special person she is. 
   On those days when I mourn all the events in my son's life that will now never take place, I thank God for giving me 21 years with him - for allowing me to remember all the good times - the trips, the vacations, "game night" at home, his love of the same music I grew up with, the hockey and soccer games, his many friends, his dumb jokes, his impersonations, his talent, the late-night pizza deliveries, his cars is various states of disrepair, his wonderful smile, his drawings, his many artistic endeavors, his habit of sneaking strays into the house behind my back and all those other moments which, at the time, seemed trivial but now seem so important and memorable.  I can still remember the last time he put his arm around me to console me and how safe that made me feel.  
   Although I know I did everything I could to save him, a small part of me will always feel I failed Adam for not checking on him sooner.  Slowly I am beginning to forgive myself.  I still have to let go of the "what ifs", but I haven't reached that point in my recovery just yet...   It is doubly painful to have to do it without his father at my side.  We were separated when Adam died and divorced in 2008.  Whatever it takes to get through another day coping with this immeasurable loss - I will do it.  I have another child to consider and she needs me more than ever before and I need her too.

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Comment Memorial Tribute
From: Rennerj1952
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My daughter was murdered at the age of 34. I don't put it in the information area so as to lessen the blow to her chi...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: Rennerj1952
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I am so sorry for the loss of Adam. The loss of a child, no matter the age is a sorrow that is hard to overcome. I ha...
Rice Wine Memorial Tribute
From: CaperGal
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Sending my son birthday wishes in Heaven on this, his 27th birthday. I loved him yesterday, I love him today, I'll l...
Incense Memorial Tribute
From: CaperGal
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Today I remember Adam with great love. My memories have seen me through the most difficult days. His dad and I keep...
Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: CaperGal
Song Name: Cecilia
Artist: Simon & Garfunkel
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Flower Memorial Tribute
From: CaperGal
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Three years have passed... I still miss his wonderful smile. He was such a talented young man - an athlete and an a...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: Rennerj1952
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I lost my daughter to violence at the age of 34. The loss of a child is something that a parent is never prepared for...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: mums
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My heart goes out to your family. I lost my only son 32yrs old, fourteen mo, after my husband. died Dec 2nd 06. The...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: CaperGal
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Tomorrow will mark 14 months since Adam died. I hope he is in a better place...
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: CaperGal
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I think of Adam every day of my life. He loved to beachcomb for sea glass when he was little. He once presented me ...


Fathers Name: Keith
Mothers Name: Shirley
Siblings Names: Megan
Country of Birth: Canada
Country of Residence: Canada
Occupation: Trades & Services
Marital Status: Single
Religion: Anglican


Favourite Sport: Hockey
Favourite Movie: Borat
Favourite Music Genre: Rock
Favourite Charity: Local SPCA


Place of Passing: New Waterford, NS
Date of Passing: 27 May 2007
Cause of Passing: Accident
Place of Burial: All Saints Cemetery
Funeral Location: All Saints Memorial Church
Funeral Date: 30 May 2007
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4,262 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: CaperGal on 24 July 2008    |     Back to Top

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