Am very happy after viewing your profile today and i will like to establish a very good friendship with you, if you d...
I am miss joy by name,Is my pleasure to contact you after going through your profile at which re...
hya grandad i didnt enjoy xmas u always said i cant believe ur dad doesnt want to know you cose i wouldnt do that to...
hya grandad it claire i miss you so much i know i havent being to nanas but our mam be there love you so much xxxxxx...
hya grandad its claire i hope you ok in heaven looking after nelly for me till i get up there hope you like your wrea...
hya grandad it wasnt a good xmas for us all first xmas with out you we all miss you. Hope you like the wreath that i...
miss you so much your thought and memories are with us every time of the day we all miss you so much love you xxxxxc...