Michael  Wickizer's Memorial

Michael Wickizer
(2011 - 2011)


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General Details

Name: Mr Michael Wickizer
Gender: Male
Lived: Tuesday, 15 November 2011 - Tuesday, 15 November 2011

My Story

Good Morning. For those who don’t know me, my name is Donny. We have gathered here this morning to celebrate the lord’s newest angel, baby Michael. Michael was born November 15th at 3:20am and passed a few immortal moments later. When Megan asked me to present Michael’s eulogy I was honored. I kept asking myself what I could say about this beautiful innocent child. I could not bear to put myself in her situation. So I decided that the best thing i could do is share my strong belief of the lord and my blind faith that Michael is an angel in his arms as we gather here today. Some of you may not share my beliefs but I would certainly hope that all of us would try to believe for our friend Megan’s behalf.

 Angel Michael’s life here was brief but his memory will forever be molded into our hearts and souls. Michael has a Beautiful Sister Bella and handsome brother Jason. His parents Megan and Derick are two of the strongest individuals I know. She had managed to keep herself together despite knowing that Angel Michael would not survive a few days after his birth. This may be the most difficult day in Megan’s life.  I pray that neither I nor anyone else in this room will ever have to go through this heartache. I pray that Megan may find some comfort in all of us here. I think I speak for all of us when I say that Megan you will never have to deal with any of this alone. We will always be here for you.

I think the hardest part of losing any child is the thought of what could have been. Would Michael have blond hair or would it be brown. Would he have green eyes or would they have been blue. Would his first word have been mama or dada? Would he have grown to be a football star or run for president? We will never know what Michael would have or could have been but one thing we can rest assured of is he is and Angel of God now. He is now a guardian of all of us.

 We have all heard at one point or another, that the lord takes our loved ones for a reason... for his "Great Plan".  Although these words can be comforting to us and may help us cope with this loss, we still ask that unbearable question WHY... Why someone so young so innocent. Why couldn’t we have the chance to watch him grow... watch him fulfill his potential with us in this life.  

I have my own personal belief. I do believe that god does have a plan for all of us. And I do believe that each soul that he brings into his heaven is given a purpose when we get there. But for children there are only three things that comfort me and I hope that these things may help you begin your process of grieving.

The first thing that comforts me is that I personally know that the lord has taken this child into his arms in his heaven. This child will never have to go through the heartaches that we go through every day. He will not have to witness war or hate or racism or terrorist. He will never have to fall hurt or heartbroken. The best thing about this belief is that in heaven he will always feel love. He will always be happy. He will always be able to watch us from where he sits and reassure us in our dreams that we are going to be ok.

The second thing that comforts me is the belief that one day we will all be reunited and that this child will forever be comforted and taken care of by the love of our lord. He will always be loved by the souls we lost in the past. Rest assured that they were waiting there with arms wide open to except Michael on our behalf. They will nourish him until the lord is ready for us to go and reunite with him. That day will be beautiful. For Michael will be in no more pain. He will have no deformities. He will be perfect and I believe he will know us when we arrive.

The third most comfortable thing that I beg of you to consider is the beauty of heaven. Every child born on this planet is a ray of hope that brightens the worse days. For me I know that when I am having a hard day and everything seems to be going wrong in my life, all I need to do is close my eyes and picture one of kids smiling. It lifts me up to a higher level and I am able to finish the day. Megan I beg you to try and understand that even though Michael is in heaven this comfort is still available to you. I believe that when a child is taken to heaven, that child becomes a ray of lite directly to those who remember them. And every time someone thinks of them the child’s soul shines makes heaven and earth an even more beautiful place. Try to think of it this way. When god takes one of us in an elder part of life we are considered a bloomed rose. And while the garden of heaven is full of roses the children that god brings into heaver are considered rose buds. Beautiful innocent rose buds that pronounce that heaven is forever because those rosebuds will never age nor will they wither. They will stay young and beautiful for all eternity. So think of Michael often. Michael has made this world beautiful. Michael is now a part of heavens eternal beauty always and forever.

I do not know if what I have said has helped anyone here. I pray that you consider what I have said and I hope that it may have inspired you to think of Michael’s passing as a blessing rather than a tragedy. One of my favorite sayings is "Time is the beauty of the road being long". In time things will get easier. In time things will become clearer to us why this has happened. In time we will leave this life and present ourselves to the lord and walk with him into the gates of heaven where we will reunite with Michael and realize the beauty that he has created and has prepared for us when we arrive.

Thank you for giving me the chance to honor Angel Michael. I hope I did him some justice.

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Fathers Name: Derick Labonich
Mothers Name: Megan Wickizer
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Scranton
Marital Status: Single
Religion: Other Christian



Date of Passing: 15 November 2011
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