Maddison  McCormack's Memorial

Maddison McCormack
(2008 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: Maddison McCormack
Nick Name: Maddy, Tink
Gender: Female
Lived: Saturday, 23 February 2008 - Sunday, 30 March 2008

My Story

Beautiful baby Maddison was born on Feburary 23rd 2008 by emergency c-section. She weighed 1 pound 9oz and was 12 inches long. She was born very premature due to my dignosis of preeclamsia. The morning of Feb. 23rd I went in to see my OB Doc and when the nurse brought me back to the room she could tell that my ankles and legs were very swollen. She knew I wasn't doing very well at all. She promptly took my BP and when it read 180/110 she said well that would explain why your ankles are all swollen. She had me lay down on my left side while she went out to tell the Doc what was going on. A couple minutes later the Doc. came in and said you are extremely sick and have severe preeclamsia. I am sending you to the hospital and from there will be sending you downtown and you will be delivering early. She said you will be on complete bed rest until the baby is born. She also said I don't forsee you going past 4 weeks but we would like to try and make it 6. At this time I was only 26 weeks. After I left the office I drove myself to the Hosp. and got checked into a room. They got me all checked out and hooked up to the machine so they could monitor the baby. About 6:00 that evening my Ob stopped by to check on me and to talk about when they were going to transfer me downtown. She told me this is probably the only time in your life that everybody is going to want you to do"nothing" so take advantage of it now and stay in bed. She went to call the perinatoligst at Emmanuel and after talking to him they both decided it would be best to transfer me that night. Well thank God they did because I got transfered aroung 11:00pm and Maddison was born at 3:48 am the next morning. Her heart rate kept dropping and it was safer fo them to take her out then to keep her inside of me. If they hadn't transfered me unitl the morning I'm not sure Maddison would have even survived for the while that she did. They didn't have a NICU at the other hospital which is why they went ahead and transfered me that night. Right after Maddy was born she was taken to the NICU to be monitored and I wasn't able to see her until a couple hours later when they wheeled her into my room. She was so tiny and frail. You could almost see right through her. I cried not because I was sad but because I couln't believe I could of created something inside of me that was so beautiful and perfect. I got released from the Hospital a few days later but still continued to see Maddy every day in the NICU. Basically I lived in the NICU from morning to nite but honestly there was no other place I would have rather been. Sadly baby Maddison has left us to be with the lord on March 30th 2008. Actually i truly believe Maddison was a little angel sent down from above to do miraculous things down here on earth before she was called back home. My little girl will always be remebered and will always be with us....The only thing that truly gets me by everyday now that I don't have Maddy here is to remeber a vivid picture I have of her running in a field of daises wearing her little dress and white sandles. She is free from all tears and all pain and that is the best thing I could have ever asked for. We all love you baby Maddison!!! You are the best gift I have ever recieved and you will always be mommy's lil girl.

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Comment Memorial Tribute
From: NAOMI24
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Dear new friend, My name is Naomi a good looking girl.I have a special reason of contacting you which i will make...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: chazcam
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Heart Memorial Tribute
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My heart goes out to you.... I know the tterrible pain of child loss, for my son had passed away from SIDS a littl...
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: AuntyMel
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Heart Memorial Tribute
From: momofanangel
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For one of Heavens angels
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: MaryCleary
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for ure lil angel
Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: mom2maddy
Song Name: No tears in Heaven
Artist: Eric Clapton
View Memorial's Tribute
Baby Maddy I am so happy you have no more tears or pain in heaven.....this is...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: mom2maddy
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We all love you
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: mom2maddy
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In memory of you baby Maddy
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: mom2maddy
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Maddison you are a beautiful and perfect little girl
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: mom2maddy
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Baby Maddy mommy loves you forever and ever!!!!


Mothers Name: Rachel McCormack
Children's Names: Madison Paige McCormack
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: White Center
Occupation: Healthcare & Medical
Marital Status: Single
Religion: Other Christian


Favourite Sport: Baseball
Favourite Team: Mariners
Favourite Book: Bad Childhood, Good Life
Favourite Movie: August Rush
Favourite Music Genre: Other
Favourite Artist: Lots


Place of Passing: Portland Oregon
Date of Passing: 30 March 2008
Cause of Passing: Gangerene in her intestines
Type of Funeral: Memorial
Place of Burial: Cremation
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1,866 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: mom2maddy on 18 July 2008    |     Back to Top

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