Richard J.  LaFountain Jr.'s Memorial

Richard J. LaFountain Jr.
(2008 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: Richard J. LaFountain Jr.
Nick Name: "Skeeter"
Gender: Male
Lived: Monday, 30 June 2008 - Saturday, 6 September 2008

My Story

Baby Ricky's parents tried for a very long time to have a baby. They finaly were blessed with a beautiful baby boy Richard J. LaFountain Jr. The day he was born i remember his mommy did great with her labor and delivery and when the baby was born his daddy came down that hall with his arms in the air and his chest full of pride, a sight i'll never forget. Even though they only had two months and seven days together, the love they all shared was a love that will last forever. He was a great joy in there lives and will always live on in there hearts. Just look at his smile in his picture and you can see how happy he was.

Latest Tributes

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Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: CatherineLaFountain
Song Name: The heart will go on
Artist: Celine Dion
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Your always in our hearts no matter what distance keeps us apart.
Flower Memorial Tribute
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You may be out of our sight but you are always on our mind and forever in our hearts.
Heart Memorial Tribute
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We Love You.
Candle Memorial Tribute
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You are very much loved & forever in our hearts.


Fathers Name: Richar J. LaFountain Sr.
Mothers Name: Candi LaFountain
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA



Place of Passing: Plattsburgh, Ny
Date of Passing: 6 September 2008
Cause of Passing: Small Intestinal Knot
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1,975 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: CatherineLaFountain on 1 October 2008    |     Back to Top

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