Elizabeth Grace Bethy, Princess, Sugar Unangst's Memorial

Elizabeth Grace Bethy, Princess, Sugar Unangst
(2003 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: Miss Elizabeth Grace Bethy, Princess, Sugar Unangst
Nick Name: Bethy
Gender: Female
Age: 4 years old
Lived: Tuesday, 4 November 2003 - Sunday, 6 July 2008

My Story

Hi everyone, my name is Elizabeth Grace Unangst. I'm 4 years old and I need all your prayers right now. Doctors told my parents I only have 6-12 months to live because I have cancer called pontine glioma in my brainstem. My mommy & daddy love me so much. I have 1 big sister who takes extra good care of me & 4 brothers who love on me & pray over me all the time.MySpace ID: bethunangst  

The doctors said the yucky medicine will only give me two extra months to live, so my parents have decided that they dont want me to suffer with the medicine if it's only going to prolong my life by a couple months. I love my King, my family and all my friends and I am making the best of everyday. I love playing with my brothers and sister. My favorite thing to do is watch Hannah Montana and play with my dolls. My brothers love me so much they even play dollies with me, they are the best.

Thankyou for lifting my family up and storming the heavens for my healing. My friend Boey taught me that no matter what happens in life you have to BELIEVE. Thankyou for your prayers and love.ELIZABETH“BETHY” GRACE UNANGST has earned her glorious spectacular heavenly crowns and entered the joy of her King today July 6th, 2008 at 5:05 p.m. For the child of God, to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord (II Cor. 5). Bethy is dancing on the streets of gold completely whole and pain free with the King of Kings and her precious friend Boey. We find great comfort in knowing that Jesus and Boey met Bethy at the gates taking her hand in hand to give her a grand tour of heaven and her beautiful mansion that Jesus prepared for her.

Latest Tributes

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Flower Memorial Tribute
From: CJCaudill
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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: CJCaudill
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My love and prayers for your family sweet little one, I am sorry I didn't get to meet you....but I will in heaven.....
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: wendypie
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Fathers Name: Scott Unangst
Mothers Name: Natalie Unangst
Siblings Names: Jake, Justin, Breanne, Quinn, Caleb
City of Residence: Corvallis Oregon



Place of Passing: Doenbecher Children's
Date of Passing: 6 July 2008
Cause of Passing: cancer
Type of Funeral: Traditional
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