just thinking of ya! me and bobby and his wife and kids, went to your grave on june 23 2011. i pulled some weeds off your tombstone. and i layed a 1974 penny there in the middle of your tombstone, i saw grandma that week , she is looking very fragile,and really didn't know who i was . she was introducing me as her daughter. but that is ok. she was close. love ya teri
Near the end of your days, my mom held my sister and I, while my brother stood as he was tall enough to look through the hospital's window. You were in your hospital gown, my mom telling us to wave to you and to remember this. You had a grin from ear to ear, and tears were rolling down your face and my mother's. I was only 16 months old. I remember the look of love on your face for us. I w...
From: teri
Song Name: the dance
Artist: garth brooks
pap pap, i'm sorry I forgot your birthday, I am a week late, it's now feb. 12, i've been a busy girl, I'm 37 years old now, can you believe it? your daughter and wife are doing well. you have 2 great granddaughters allie and dabney, bobby has a baby on the way due end of july -august this year we can not wait, we all want him to have a little boy, help us out would ya? love teri
pap pap when i was a couple of years old , you took me for a ride in your truck and every time we went over railroad tracks you would say "put your feet up" i would say "why " your said "for goodluck!"
hey pap pap it's been a long time, since 1974, i was only 4 when you died, i think about you and miss you. love your 1st granddaughter teri