Ronald  E.  Dickens's Memorial

Ronald E. Dickens
(1969 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: Mr Ronald E. Dickens
Nick Name: Buddy
Gender: Male
Age: 38 years old
Lived: Tuesday, 16 December 1969 - Saturday, 5 April 2008

My Story

 Our "Buddy" was born December 16, 1969 and the only boy in the family.  I can remember when my mother came home with him from the hospital. He had the blackest head of hair that stood straight up. When she wraped him up in a blanket, he looked like a little Indian baby. My Dad told my Mom that she was going to have a boy even before he was born. The day he was born my dad called him his little buddy, and the name stayed. As he got older he was alway into something or the other, but we could never get mad at him due to the puppy dog eyes he would give you. Buddy has 2 older sisters so, while growing up he always got his way. Boy did we spoil him. He was always one to have a good time, and his since of humor always put a person in a good mood.  As a teenager, he fell in love with Kelly and they had a little girl together. She looks just like him. A few years later they had another daughter. He spent his time raising his children, working, and doing everyday normal things that we all do. Sadly, 18 months ago, his wife died and he was so lost. We tried talking to him, letting him talk, and helping him as much as possible. The spark in him was gone. Buddy passed away April 5, 2008  and we miss him so much.  

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I love you and miss you so much


Fathers Name: Ronald G Dickens
Mothers Name: Bonnie Byus
Spouse's Name: Kelly Chanell Dickens
Children's Names: Casey Dickens & Carie Dickens
Siblings Names: Kathy Dotson & Teresa Stewart
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Wellston
Marital Status: Widowed


Favourite Sport: Motor Racing
Favourite Music Genre: Punk


Date of Passing: 5 April 2008
Cause of Passing: Conjestive Heart Fail
Funeral Director: McWilliams Funeral Home
Funeral Location: Wellston
Funeral Date: 9 April 2008
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1,767 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: stewartlittle on 26 July 2008    |     Back to Top

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