R. Cameron  Ross's Memorial

R. Cameron Ross
(1992 - 2007)


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General Details

Name: R. Cameron Ross
Gender: Male
Age: 14 years old
Lived: Friday, 31 July 1992 - Wednesday, 4 April 2007

My Story

My son Cameron died in a tragic car accident, Wednesday, April 4th, 2007.  He was a passenger in the backseat of a car driven by a 15 yr old girl.  The car crashed into a earth mover tractor.  The accident occured at 2:15am.  Cameron had a massive head injury and never regained consciousness.  He was removed from life support at 5:15pm.

There is not an hour that goes by that I don't think about Cam and miss him dearly.  Cameron had a heart of gold, was very compassionate and loved to hug everyone. 

Memories of my buddy Cam,

As our happy 10lb baby boy became a toddler my memories are “dirt and bugs”  Cam used to say “I luv bugs” and his enjoyment of digging in the dirt in our backyard with a big spoon.  The challenge was keeping him from eating so much of it.  At that age Cameron also loved to drive his big sister Ashley’s battery operated pink Corvette. Another favorite memory was his dressing up as batman.  He loved superhero’s, capes, and swords.  Wearing only his cape, underwear and cowboy boots he would run up and down the sidewalk in front of our house.   As Cam got a little older his interests change to building.  He loved his Lego’s and Knex.  He would spend hours creating buildings, vehicles and robots of all sorts.  When Cam was about 7 or 8, his grandpa Ray took he and his cousin Jerry fishing.  I will never forget Cameron bringing home his first catch.  Cameron was quite upset when he later discovered that I had forgotten the fish in the freezer and had never eaten it.  The fish was only about 3-4 inches but to him it was the “catch of the day”.  He loved to fish from that point forward.

Cameron’s early childhood friends were Jennifer and Ben.    Jennifer was a schoolmate and neighbor.  Although Cam’s buddy Ben was much younger, they would play for hours creating forts and contraptions that would cat-a-pult things into the air.  They were quite creative and very good friends. 


Although Cam spent a lot of time playing with all of his cousins, neighbors and friends his best friend of all was his sister Ashley.  Ashley and Cameron’s birthdays are only 2 days apart and from the day we brought Cameron home from the hospital on Ashley’s 6th birthday, they were inseparable.  Ashley wasn’t just his best friend but like a second mother.  Their relationship was a close as any could be and that never stopped.  Ashley was always there for him.  Ashley taught him a lot.  Ash and Cam celebrated every birthday together and on Ashley’s 18th birthday she wanted to go parasailing.  Cameron was fearful of heights but wouldn’t allow Ashley to do something he couldn’t so Jerry and I took them to Cd’A.  We could see the fear on Cam’s face but he faced it and soared into the air.  When he came back down, he said “I want to go again!.


Cameron also loved to go to Montana to spend time with his grandpa Bill, We all loved Grandpa’s mountain and had a lot of memorable vacations there. 


On the 4th of July, 2004, Jerry and I took Cameron, Karli and Allie to Ft. Stevens on the Oregon coast.  Cam had never seen the ocean.  I will never forget the look of awe on his face when we got to the beach.  Cam and girls spent the next 3 days “rescuing” hermit crabs, starfish and sand dollars from the beach.  (I’ll have to say I shared the same awe, collecting shells and watching the beautiful sunsets.  I opted out of the crab part).

We took Cam and his step sisters camping each summer over the last few years and Cam loved it a lot.  He got to fish, hunt for creatures and his most favorite, play with the camp fire.  He made many s’mores and burned many sticks.  Jerry taught him to chop firewood, he loved that a lot.  It was hard to keep that ax away from him.


Cameron most recently enjoyed reading mythology, Homer’s Odyssey, doing crossword puzzles and SuDoKu with his dad as well as reading his daily horoscope.  He was also learning to repair cars.


Cameron had some difficult times recently but was never without many friends, and family that loved him.  Cam will forever be in our hearts and remembered as the loving gentle kindhearted boy that he was that hugged everyone.


Cam, I love you and miss you so very much.





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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: HopeLeeAnn
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I Miss You Cameron. My Life Has Never Been The Same Without You. I Remember How Happy You Made Me. I Love You And I A...
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: Alicia921
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Cameron, I love you and you have no idea how proud I am of you. I only wish I would've told you while I still had the...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: tezzaed
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Praying you sprinkle stardust upon ur family as they drift off to Dreamland in search of you tonight ~Hugs sweet Angel!
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: AuntyMel
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Memory Memorial Tribute
From: Jeannep
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Soft as a feather, your name touches my lips, My mind, my heart, bittersweet. Feelings of love and loss fill me...
Candle Memorial Tribute
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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: Jeannep
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Flower Memorial Tribute
From: Jeannep
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Cam, I miss you dearly, I miss your hugs, your soft face and warm smile. Life isn't the same without you. My heart ...
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: Jeannep
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Info on the R. Cameron Ross Memorial fund for At-Risk Teens. www.inwcf.org Why was the fund established? I ...
Candle Memorial Tribute
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rest in peace


Fathers Name: Greg Ross
Mothers Name: Jeanne Phillips
Siblings Names: Ashley Dickelman, (Allie & Karli Phillips (step sisters))
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Spokane
Religion: Catholic


Favourite Sport: Football
Favourite Team: Green Bay Packers
Favourite Book: Harry Potter series
Favourite Movie: Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings
Favourite Music Genre: Rock
Favourite Artist: Pink Floyd


Place of Passing: Spokane
Date of Passing: 4 April 2007
Cause of Passing: Auto Crash
Type of Funeral: memorial service
Place of Burial: Holy Cross Catholic Cemetary
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