Jayden  Campos's Memorial

Jayden Campos
(2009 - 2009)


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General Details

Name: Mr Jayden Campos
Gender: Male
Lived: Thursday, 17 December 2009 - Friday, 18 December 2009

My Story

Jayden Isaac Campos was born of Alondra (Irma) Sandoval on the 17th of December, 2009 at 12:02 AM.  Jayden's father, Albert Campos, rushed Alondra to Paul Kimbal Medical Center in Lakewood for an emergency C-Section.  Due to complications arising from this pregnancy, Jayden was diagnosed as suffering from oxegen deprivation, resulting in severe brain damage.  Jaedon was removed from life support on the 18th of December, at about 7:30 PM.

Jaedon passed away at about 10:10 PM on the 18th.  Services were held at Deliahs Funneral Home at 10 AM on the 24th of December, and the burial was at Riverside cemmetary about Noon.

Latest Tributes

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Candle Memorial Tribute
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Fly with thee Angels and be free sweetie...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: NatSargent
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Sweet child rest in Gods arms in love with his golden angels amen
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: mitraheaven
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God Bless This Angel
Heart Memorial Tribute
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rest in peace little man xxx
Incense Memorial Tribute
From: mymuimui
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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: bobkelly0301
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Your memory, as the light, will continue forever within our hearts.


Fathers Name: Alberto Campos
Mothers Name: Irma Sandoval
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Lakewood, NJ
Religion: Catholic



Place of Passing: Paul Kimbal Hospital, Lakewood, NJ
Date of Passing: 18 December 2009
Cause of Passing: Birth Complications
Type of Funeral: Burial
Place of Burial: Riverside Cemetary
Funeral Date: 24 December 2009

Music - Amazing grace

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5,875 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: bobkelly0301 on 26 December 2009    |     Back to Top