Christopher  Hatfield's Memorial

Christopher Hatfield
(1967 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: Mr Christopher Hatfield
Nick Name: Hatter
Gender: Male
Age: 41 years old
Lived: Tuesday, 10 October 1967 - Tuesday, 2 December 2008

My Story

As you review our memorial page honoring Chris, please let us know that you have been here by leaving a tribute of some sort, and/ or any memory you have with Chris.  As we all try to heal, we love to hear all the stories that you have of Hatter.  Knowing that he had a well lived and loved life helps us all heal.  Thank you for visiting.

Christopher Alan Hatfield
was born on Octobr 10, 1967 in Anthony, KS  to P.D. and Carolyn.

He was raised in Salina, KS and graduated from Salina South High School in 1987 and attended Hutchinson Junior College.  He worked as a sales representative for Mohawk Industries in Ohio, Michigan, and Kentucky.

Chris passed away peacefully in his sleep on Tuesday, December 2, 2008.  He was 41.

This was a life that ended too soon
   Not because Chris had unfinished business
      Or so much still to do

   No Chris put a lot of living into 41 years.
      Some people just embrace life
               When you are around them you know they are alive

      And they make you feel alive

      Other people live for many years
               and yet walk around as if they are already dead

Chris was in the first group
            A man who put more living into 41 years than most people who live twice that long

The tragedy here is not that Chris did not live
            It is that his lfe will be missed
                  By his family and friends
                           By people that knew him all of his life
                           and people who knew him only a few hours

He will even be missed by people who never had a chance to mee him
                  But whose lives would have been impacted by Chris's spirit

Chris had a magnetic personality.  That brought all kinds of people into his life from all walks of life.

Chris was an avid sports fan.  He liked to hunt and fish.  He would even give up a date to go fishing.
   In fact he did that once
         He was dating a girl in Ohio whose sister was getting married.  But it was opening day of Salmon season, so instead Chris gave her $100 for a gift and he went fishing.

It was not just hunting and fishing that Chris loved; he loved all sports,   Football, Basketball, Golf, Baseball, Hockey, NASCAR.  Although his true love was for the Kansas City Chiefs and KU Jayhawks.
      Even though he was competitive, he did not like to lose, but it was not just about winning.  Sports were a great way to connect to people, to engage in conversation, to spend time together whether at the golf course, at a live event, or just sitting around with his buds watching a game.

Chris was a person that loved his life.  Even if it was not always easy.  Chris was born with a congentital Heart Defect, Aortic bicuspid stenosis.  A narrowing and a problem with a valve which led to surgery when he was very young.  He weighed only 17 pounds, an it was to be a temporary fix.  
      This heart condition limitied his activity, especially as a child when he couldn't participate in all the sports he loved.  It was not easy growing up, but I think this challenge also shape him into the person he became.
         It allowed him to develop his people skillls, and taught him to value and embrace life.  To discover what is truly important about living.

While talking with Chris's family a scripture popped into my head from te second letter of John 
         As John is describing what is really important in life.

2 John 4:7-12

God Is Love

7 Beloved, let us love one another, because live is from God: everlyonewho loves is born of God and knows God.  Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love.  God's love was revealed among us in his way:  God sent his only Son inoto the world so that we might live through him.  In this is love, not that we loved God buy that he lovedus and sent his son to be the atonign sacrifice for our sins.  Beloved, since God loved us so much, we also ought to love one another.  No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God lives in us, and his lvoe is perfected in us.

      This is one of the greatest secrets of life.  Something I believe Chris not only understood, but lived.  We discover the true meaning of life to love one another unconditionally.

Chris did not spend alot of time going to church, but I beliveve God lived in him, because he knew how to love.

Physically, Chris had a heart that was inadequate, it limited what he could do.  Created health problems all of his life,  and in the end it simply gave out.  But spirtiually there was nothing wrong with his heart.  In fact, I would argue that his heart was healthier than most of the people reading this.

So Chris, you will be missed
      By the many people you touched
            and by  a world that needs more people like you
                  People who are able to embrace life to the fullest
            And to love as Christ loved
And even though yours was a life that was many years too short
        It was a life well lived
            And for that we give thanks

Your life won't be measured by the years that you lived but by the love and happiness you gave to all, asking nothing in return.  You were the strength, love and guide to your family and to everyone whose lives you touched.  No man is indispensable but you are irreplaceable.

Latest Tributes

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Flower Memorial Tribute
From: bhatfield
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It has been awhile since I visited, but know everyday you are thought of by all of those who love and miss you so ver...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: bhatfield
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Hey bro, are you watching out for us from up above? PD and Sharon were here the other day, and it is hard to believe...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: crystalg
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God Bless, May each day get better..
Incense Memorial Tribute
From: bhatfield
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Heart Memorial Tribute
From: bhatfield
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It has been quiet awhile since i have visited the site but believe me when I say there is not a day that goes by that...
Candle Memorial Tribute
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My prayers are with your family and pray that you will find peace within your heart. Thank you for your kind words. ...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: kaylabottoms
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it is sad to think that someone so young can suffer a heart attack, good night and god bless. and i am certain ur fam...
Candle Memorial Tribute
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I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Chris. It is never easy to choose the words to help comfort the family. From ...
Rice Wine Memorial Tribute
From: bhatfield
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Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a GIFT, That is why it is called the Present.
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: miss
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Stone Memorial Tribute
From: eazer
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Heart Memorial Tribute
From: Debs
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My thoughts are with your family, may Chris live long in your memories.x


Fathers Name: P.D.
Mothers Name: Carolyn
Siblings Names: Phillip
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Louisville
Occupation: Sales
Marital Status: Single


Favourite Sport: Football
Favourite Team: Kansas City Chiefs
Favourite Book: 21
Favourite Music Genre: Rock
Favourite Charity: Kansas Childrens Crippled Fund


Place of Passing: Louisville, Ky
Date of Passing: 2 December 2008
Cause of Passing: Heart Attack
Type of Funeral: cremation
Place of Burial: Anthony, KS
Funeral Director: Ryan's Mortuary
Funeral Location: Trinity United Methodist Church Salina, KS
Funeral Date: 8 December 2008

Music - Almost there

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6,595 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: bhatfield on 20 December 2008    |     Back to Top